Despite a freaking fabulous football weekend (BADGERS AND PACKERS AND "FIRE CHILDRESS" OH MY), I'm left in a sort of "Blergh" mood.
- On I-40 today, they were doing "construction." I never actually saw any machinery, hence the confusion. The bad part was that they necked three regularly-busy lanes of traffic to one - and forgot to put signs up. JESUS CHRIST, I WAS STUCK IN TRAFFIC FOR TWO HOURS. FOR A TRIP THAT SHOULD HAVE TAKEN ME TWENTY MINUTES. I wound up driving on the far-right median to get to the exit ramp, because I was ANNOYED and LATE. And then there was no beer where I wound up. 'Twas a bummer.
- It seems everyone has elaborate Thanksgiving plans. Me? I'm doing the exact same thing as last year - randomly-made late plans with friends. Except I don't have to do the turkey or stuffing this year, just mini-pumpkin pies, potato rolls, and cranberry-pomegranate relish. Easy peasy. But still no family. I can't help but be a little jealous, even if I get sick of my family within 36 hours of first contact.
- Which is kind of why I'm dreading Christmas. We're going to travel with the Badgers (provided they don't go to Orlando), which means I have to spend the week after Christmas at my folks' place. Which sucks.
- Sometimes, I feel like I need a new LJ so I can bitch properly. And no, not even FandomSecrets would help here, because my bitching would be totally identifiable. I'm one of approximately eight people on LJ who are fans of both (FANDOM A REDACTED) and (FANDOM B REDACTED). It might be fewer than 8. I don't know, because no one else defends the position. Sigh.
- Giants/Eagles is amusing, and I'm glad Ellis Hobbs is alright. Michael Vick is still a reprehensible bastard, though not nearly as much as Roethlisberger.
- ... Yeah, not much else. Lots of class stress that I should be feeling but am not, which may bite me big time soon.
- I'm thinking I need to start a new jdrama soon. I've got "Hero," which should be good, because Kimura is a sight to behold, but I'm open to suggestions. Ideas? Anyone make it this far? ;)
Back to the grindstone, and by "grindstone," I mean "I'm going to watch zombies now, bye."