what do i do for three hours on campus?

Sep 21, 2010 12:20

Reading? Ha. No, instead of doing anything productive, I'll do a catching up post of doom and gloom. And I'll organize it mostly by topic. Whee!

Off we go.


Big Ten Expansion/Alignment

I love the addition of Nebraska to the Big Ten. For a conference that prides itself on tradition and ridiculously overrated football, Nebraska is a perfect fit. And it's about as academic as the rest of the schools in the B10. It works really, really well.

Because I am such a fan of this, naturally the Big Ten powers decided to fuck with me. "What?" they said, "You like this? Well, we need to fix that - we can't possibly have people happy with us for very long." And so they found the best possible way to do so.

Fucked-up divisional alignments.

You see that little blue prong that goes up into Wisconsin? And you hear that grunting noise when you see it? That, my friends, is the sound of UW getting fucked - and hard. UW has one divisional opponent in the same time zone, and it's the fourth-closest (maybe third, but I'm angry, so it's fourth) opponent to Madison in the Big Ten. Geographically, only Nebraska is as humped as we are, and that's because both of the Michigan losers are in the Other division. So okay, geography sucks. UW has to travel to absurd locations every year, but that happens. Clearly this will be made up to UW by having clear rivals in our division, right? WRONG. Nope, can't keep either of UW's established rivals in our division, nor even the bonus one we wanted - Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska are in the Other division. With both Michigans. And Northwestern.

"But wait!" cry the Big Ten officials, "We'll protect one cross-divisional rivalry! You can keep the oldest- and most-played rivalry in college football! That's fair, right?"

No. No, it's not fair. UW is the only school that had three potential rivals and only kept one - and even that was a concession.

I was a lot more vehemently angry about this a month ago. I'm still pissed, but it's simmering.


I'm going to sum this up in an abbreviated fashion, maybe.

LOL @ Dallas. No, seriously, we all need to take a moment and LOL @ Cowboys. The team who was all "OMG WE'RE GOING TO HOST A SUPER BOWL AWESOME" are 0-2, one loss of which was to Da Bears. They've accumulated almost no offense, which is rad, and their defense has been porous at best. Besides, any team that can make Jay Cutler look good has to be playing pretty damn poorly.

Concussions suck. Also, Jason Witten is a moron. I'm pretty sure he was a moron before he got concussed to hell and back, so there's no connection.

I have to throw in the obligatory "Go Pack" here; I'll sum it all up in saying that the O-line still blows and the Claymaker is a fucking beast. I will say, though, that I learned a lot about the Bills after the game, and most of those poor Bills fans are totally reasonable and hilarious people. You have to be when your team sucks. The evidence is here. I actually laughed out loud in class when I read this, so be careful. Erm, well, be careful if you know anything about football and click the link.

I'm not sold on any team as a viable Super Bowl contender at this point - the good teams are playing decent, but not excellent football. And WTF, the Bucs are 2-0? Hell must have frozen over at some point when I wasn't watching.

But football is fun, and I watch as much of it as humanly possible.

Which is a lot. No lie. :)


Oh, shoot, this was going to be pictures of things I've baked recently, but I forgot that I hadn't uploaded them. My bad, y'all don't get to drool.

Recent bakings/cookings: Samoa bars (yes, Samoa like the Girl Scout cookie), my cookies, S'mores brownies, taco dip, pierogies, and tomorrow is going to be coconut-i=lime-white chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. It should be rad.


Actually, there's not all that much to report. Liz and I finished the first season of "Bloody Monday," which was actually a rewatch for me, but it was still awesome and hilarious. She's got a few others lined up for us to delve into starting this weekend, so that promises to be a fun time. Most of them, I believe, involve Shirota Yu (aka Ice, for reasons that probably won't make much sense to other people, but are still hilarious and awesome anyhow; if you're really interested, I can explain our nicknaming system with further examples, it's hilarious). It should be fun.

Liz also had that NEWS Unplugged thing, which we have decided to call the true Hairpocalypse, because JESUS CHRIST what did they do to Masuda? It's a bad, bad day when Koyama's hair is the best in NEWS, and I think that day is today. I've personally been getting my SMAP on, which is awesome because they are hilarious. Randomly-named YouTube videos are awesome and informative, even if I can't understand what they're saying most of the time because I know so little Japanese.

It's still awesome, though. Stupid JE, taking over my life.


Liz just found out she's having a human girl baby. I asked her whether I should be more excited for the human part or the girl part.

I haven't gotten a response yet.

I bet it's the human part. :D

football, baking, rl, embarrassing obsessions

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