what's what and cats, part two

Apr 04, 2010 15:00

I am angry at video games. Well, no, that's not entirely true. I am angry at myself for sucking at video games. And it's not really video games in general (because I am actually doing pretty well with Beatles Rock Band, but it's the Beatles and so everyone should do well at it because those songs are ingrained in everyone's head permanently), but Left 4 Dead. It's driving me crazy - I cannot get past that stupid sewer level with three computer guys. I need someone competent to follow in the direction of the exit, or at least a way to force my will upon them. Yes, Louis, it sucks that the second tank in two minutes knocked you down, but will you just fucking heal yourself already? And for fuck's sake, Bill, the exit is THIS WAY. STOP STARTLING THE WITCH.

Thank goodness there was basketball on last night. I needed the stress relief - and I'm pretty sure the cats needed a pause in the auditory assault I was providing. (Also: GO DUKE. If they win, I'm totally wearing a Duke shirt on the UNC campus Tuesday.)

So, yup. I went to see the cats again last night, because I won't be able to get over there until mid-week (Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon) at the earliest, and I didn't want them to be alone that long (and because I'm pretty sure someone might want to see pictures...).

So I got over there, and the people upstairs were moving a couch in and taking up the entire staircase and making a lot of noise. And when I finally got to the door, both cats were wondering WTF was going on. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of this cuteness, because Not-So-Big Cat ran off right away. "Ran off," here, means "went halfway across the room and started posing for pictures."

Yeah, that's a cell phone cord - the phone was still attached and not where it should have been. I think it rang and one of the cats batted it the hell away, so I put it back. Then I checked on their food status (mostly eaten), and discovered this:

Well, okay, that's after I picked it up off the ground. And yes, that is a kitty-sized bite? swipe? out of it. Silly cats. It was, overall, a fairly bland cat night - Not-So-Big Cat was alternating between being on the cuddlers and... elsewhere (most likely the bedroom, because she'd run that way and not come out for a while).

Big Cat, though, passed through KILL EVERYONE mode...

... and stayed within sight of me the entire time.

She was over on that side for quite a while, really. I think she was watching me very closely, trying to decide if I was acceptable.

Except when she hid under the futon like usual.

Hmm, this seems pretty Big Cat-centric. Not-So-Big Cat does tend to only do a couple things - hide in the back, roll around to avoid feather torture and sleep on a cuddler.

cameron crazy!, games, captain kitty morale ten-hut!

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