May 03, 2005 16:25
Trust isn't an issue that's honestly come up for me. There's something about me that screams out to others that they should do what they say they're going to, so I've never had a real problem with that. I've also never exactly been betrayed, or backstabbed.
I don't know if that's because I choose those I associate with carefully, or if nobody has really felt the need to do these things to me. Maybe I have been, and I just don't know about it. If that's the case, I think I'd rather not know.
Generally speaking, I trust pretty easily. I have faith in people's ability to do the right things and not cause me to think less of them.
On the other end of the spectrum, I believe myself to be a pretty trustworthy kind of being. I always do what I say I'm going to, do my best to keep my promises. I keep secrets really well, too. I've never once told anything that I wasn't supposed to. I'm always on time. I never forget. I'm not sure what other people think about me, really. I just assume that they think I'm someone they can trust.
You know who you shouldn't trust? The damned tooth fairy. Remind me to write a bit on the tooth fairy sometime. But seriously, that guy ... one of the most untrustworthy people I've ever met. I like the guy well enough, I suppose. But I'd never leave him alone with my kittens for an extended period of time.