Feb 18, 2012 01:41
I feel the need to actually blog this out now, despite feeling so sleepy and dreamy.
Today marks the final last day of 3 years in poly, and it was a myriad of emotions. I didn't expect myself to feel so sad and emotional and tears just gushed down like crazy in the LT after the lecturers ended of with a few sentences. I guess this just means I'm really attached to the whole course of people and I can't bear to leave all of them.
Throughout this entire course, it was more of like FUN? I mean, there are times when it gets really stressful but I still feel the fun in it. I really love doing the web design, print design, radio podcasting, video filming and all the interesting modules that not everyone would have a chance to work on? Obviously my least favourite modules are like china history, journalism, news reporting, etc... But I mean, it beats studying for accounting papers or essays on drugs or mathematical questions on engineering right? At least those modules are much more interesting to me? Although it can be mentally and physically draining at times, but at the end of the day when I see the product or the comments given by people, I can just forget all the hard work I've done and that's just enough to make me happy. :)
And obviously the fun-nest part was the course trip to Hang Zhou!!!! What I really enjoyed about it was that I got really bonded with everyone else in class. As I was the vice-chairman so I kinda got the chance to interact with basically everyone in the whole course. So exploring new places here and there, taobao-ing together and running across the corridor to get our food delivery. Talking super loudly in english because we didn't want anyone to understand what we're talking about, dressing in super thick clothes and being fashionable at the same time. What can be better than that? Leaving abroad as a course for 3 months, I think that's something different from the others.
I feel really blessed to be the very FIRST batch of CMC, since it was a new course back then, and meeting such great people and lecturers. Yes, and talking about the lecturers.. I personally feel that CMC lecturers are really one of the best lecturers anyone can ever find. All the lecturers just care so much for us!! Everyone both students and lecturers are like a big family. And to see the amount of effort we've put in, like for the Exhibition for an example. I really think all of us did great and there's nothing to regret about. :)
Now that 3 years have past, so do I regret joining CMC? No. And I think the public should seriously stop judging people from our course, because we're freaking BILINGUAL. Apparently that's the main purpose of the 双语政策!!!! Stop going 'eeee' when you hear that we're from a Chinese course. It doesn't mean that we don't speak english, it just means we're strong in both languages, and it's certified alright! 3 cheers to all CMC kidz who made it through!!! Now is to wait for May, where we would officially graduate with our certs and square hat. Thanks for the awesome memories guys! :)