The Work-in-Progress Game
in which L and Misa are very much out of character
Welcome to The Work-in-Progress Game! Originally this was not going to exist, but my feverish brain found it to be very amusing, so here I am, spreading the amusement to the world.
This is L.
I had to choose whatever as his clothes, because I accidentally saved his planned clothes as pyjama. Whoops.
Here we have Misa-Misa.
Her everyday clothes are pretty much done. I'm more interested in her pyjama.
So let's have a pyjama party! L's jeans are good, but I don't think the shirt is working. I'll have to find another solution.
... Those are some huge-ass pockets you've got there!
Misa's backside is looking rather good.
But she has something seriously wrong with her foot. (゜ロ゜)
Because these two were only created to see if their face and clothes are fine, they are hilariously in character:
L has a family aspiration. Ok, I can deal with that.
But why on earth is he turned on by formal clothing and swimwear?
Misa's aspiration turned out to be the romance one. Note how she and L are both Leos.
Her turn-ons and turn-offs I actually concidered.
So. How will these two survive together in a small house I put up in ~ 5 minutes? Also, it was designed for a couple. Who will be spending their night on the sofa? Let's have a quick look around.
They even have a small garden.
Stay tuned for the first chapter of The Work-in-Progress Game!