I'm having a wtf moment here: I just broke my chair! o.O
I was sitting here and doing normal stuff when suddenly there was a loud bang and I realized my chair had lost the left armrest.
I'm still in shock. How could my dear chair, that is so ideal for slacking, let me down like this? How am I supposed to concentrate on playing The Sims when all I can think about is the missing armrest? ;_;
Anyway. I have been working hard and here are new chapters for my story. Yes, many chapters.
Everything Comes to an End
chapter two: L's Imperfect Life
Once upon a time, shadowed by a hill,
there was a little house.
And in this little house lived L.
He lived all alone,
for his parents had perished and left him with nothing
but a haunted house and a pile of money.
L found comfort from studying
and he was a very curious child.
But, even though he could afford the nicest telescopes
and had a remarkable bug collection,
he was very, very sad.
Luckily life can change for better.
This was the lesson L was about to learn.
-end of chapter two-
Everything Comes to an End
Chapter three: Light's Imperfect Life
With Light
and his little sister Sayu going through difficult ages
Light's mother started to loose control.
Light often saw her cry
and loose it completely.
Because he was still inexperienced in life,
he did not know what to do to help her.
And, eventually, Light's mother died of exhaustion.
-end of chapter three-
Everything Comes to an End
chapter four: L's New Hobby
L had started solving crimes as a hobby
and proved to be very good in it.
He would spend days thinking about different cases
and still managed to maintain good grades in school.
L enjoyed all these mysteries
but even being so good at something did not erase the fact
that he was very very lonely.
-end of chapter four-
Only two hours and thirty minutes before I can start writing my novel. Can't wait! Also, I decided to go to the kick-off tomorrow. Wait, have I even been talking about that earlier? Anyway. I'm off to grief over my dead armrest.