okay so i was looking for porridge when i found him. meet John. he's not really funny or interesting in anyway. well actually i havent read it at all, but i like random self autobiographies, so if your interested in people named john, check it out. anyway, on tuesday i went to claremont to give my new friend part of her birthday present.
new friend:
her names rinee. meet my not so new but still kind of recent friends.
and linea:
sexy. well anyway, that night i went to the interpreter and kindom of heaven with rinee and alex. i made alex leave half way through kindom of heaven to give me a ride up to uvic so i could go to wet grad. well i arrived at uvic just in time. we rented these two huge coachline busses.it was like an hour and ahalf drive to somewhere in sooke. started drinking early obviously. man, when we got there i was like blown away. this place was incredible. i'm going to find out where it is and go back. if anyone knows how to get there tell me. see for yourself.
i didn't even go exploring. i regret it. just look at that rickity old bridge.
that morning we all piled in the busses and came into to town and arrived at denny's. the lady asked if we were the reservation of 72. i thought we were so organized even making a reservation. so we pretty much took over denny's. and then afew minutes later an entire grade seven graduation class arived and found all of us still drunk ordering food and they had to find their own seats. i think i pretended to hit on them, but i dont know. then we all went back to vic high and passed out. we got our year books though. people need to sign mine. i have like no friends. and i think i lost my digits competition with hollie. bummer. now today i picked up my tuxedo for the oak bay grad which is tomorrow. it's so incredibly awesome, oh man. i might even buy it, if i can. i'm pretty excited about the dinner dance. i'll have pictures. but i'm going to try and go do some math and sleep. goodnight.