LJ Idol Season 11; Week 8 - My True North

Dec 08, 2019 18:32

Link to video of the song: https://photos.app.goo.gl/da9TRCcvp6XDrqb67

My True North

Tried to be a rebel without a cause

Turned out to be a clown without applause

I might be too generic

For a world that's so barbaric

Too full of myself and all of this vichyssoise

Had faith in the game of hide and seek

I sought, I hid, kept my mystique

Got lost in all the losing

Couldn't choose in all the choosing

Resigned to be an olly olly oxen freak


En te trouvant

Je retrouve le nord

Et en te ressentant

Je me sens moi encore

C'est bien fort

Je suis plus à l'ouest

Gràce à ce beau geste

Cet heureux hasard

Qui nous démarre

En te trouvant

Je découvre le nord

En me trouvant

Tu me ramènes au nord

Et en me touchant

Tu touches bien plus que le corps

C'est si fort

Tu me délivre de l'ouest

Et manifeste

Que l'amour se fait

Sans se forcer

En me trouvant

Tu m'ouvres la porte au nord


By finding you

I find my way again*

And by feeling you

I feel like myself again

It’s such a strong thing

I'm no longer lost at sea*

Thanks to this kind gesture

This happy accident

Of our commencement

By finding you

I discover myself*

By finding me

You bring me back to my senses*

And by touching me

You touch far more than my body

It’s so strong

You free me from ruin*

And prove

That love can be

Without being forced

By finding me

You open the door to where I should go*

A silly little song

to keep me moving along

Towards your distant pull

A silly little joke

To tell myself I misspoke

But I know my heart's so full

A silly little text

To double-check you're not vexed

By me or anyone

A silly little line

To double-check that we're fine

That our story's just begun

En se trouvant

On se dirige vers le nord

By finding each other

We’re heading the right way*

*These translations are from all the instances of "north" and "west" (nord / ouest) in the song. They don't mention north or west because they're riffing off of the idiomatic expressions "perdre le nord" and "être à l'ouest". "Perdre le nord", literally "to lose the north", is something like to be disoriented, at a total loss, to lose your way figuratively, or to have lost your senses. "Être à l'ouest", literally "to be in the west", is akin to being spaced out, to not be all there, to have lost your marbles. If someone thinks you have no clue what you're doing, if you have no idea what you're talking about, if you're not grounded at all, they might say you've "lost north" or that you're "in the west".

lj idol, song, season 11

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