trick or treat

Oct 12, 2012 20:58

buzzbird's fault


1. Create a graphic (200 x 200 max size) to represent your personal "candy". It should have your username on it, but otherwise can feature whatever you want. Make it something special since it's self-representative.
2. Make a post with the subject "trick or treat?". Put your "candy" somewhere in it, and be sure to repost these instructions.
3. Then, go around other people's LJs and reply to them with either "trick" or "treat." If you reply with "trick," they will give you an LJ/DW/Twitter/tumblr dare that you have to perform before taking their candy. If you're too wimpy for that, simply say "treat" and take their candy.
4. List all your collected candies in your original "trick or treat?" post to show off your collection.

Make sure to link me to your post if you're trick-or-treating as well! :D

my candy

candy won

maayacola: twitter dp (til 25/10)
buzzbird: you have to end every tweet with a kris-related tag until midnight this sunday
greatfountain: wow, you've become a delinquent shounen hero! any sentence on twitter or lj you must now end in da ze; please also talk about your nakama whenever possible. (10/15)
natsudive: write a drabble in weeaboo japanese and with emoji, heh ^.^
elanielyn: At least one in four tweets has to be dedicated to bullying Sexy Lady aka Linda. The loving kind of bullying, but still bullying. (14/10)

trick or treaters

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