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Sep 17, 2011 16:58

SURVIVED the first week of the Japanese studies master 8D

It'll be hard work 8| but if all goes well, ~amazing Japanese skillz~ will be mine and also YEAR IN JAPAN~~ 8]

which is mostly what I'm doing it for, tbqh. We've already had to hand in a choice of universities in Japan + a statement of intent and S;DSLJFKSD excited. *__* we were supposed to get the results last friday but the email titled 'YOUR PLACEMENT AT A JAPANESE UNIVERSITY' was just epic trolling and informed us it was going to take a while longer due to budget issues or whatever. :|

My top 3 choices were Sophia university (Tokyo), Kyoto university and Rikkyo university (Tokyo), in that order, because I want to do my MA thesis in sociology and those are the most relevant universities available to us in that field. *__* HOPE. I am forever dokidoki until they let us knowwww.

Also, proof I watched entirely too many Kanjani8 TV this summer: I had to read part of a text out loud in class and my Japanese teacher was like '... Have you spent time in Kansai? >__> You pronounce things like a Kansaijin >__>'. and I was like, no, I just. watch a lot of TV? 8D;

I feel this is a good enough excuse to forever use AKAN!!!/newfavoriteword

There was also a film showing at the university about radiation (Radiation: a slow death by Kamanaka Hitomi, if I remember correctly) and there's a debate about Japan's triple disaster with experts etc. next week. relevant~ The film was really interesting. and just. guh. when the film ended the entire room was just '... *________*' it's so. I have no words, really. Very impressive. and very terrifying.

aaaand I should really be writing a letter of motivation in Japanese at the moment, so I'll get on that~~

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