I think there are about a million mice in the attic. forever awake. 8|
In happier news,
I wanted to share this because I thought it was kind of awesome. I don't know how many of you know Suga Shikao - he's a singer-songwriter that I used to listen to a lot. He wrote the lyrics to Real Face, among other things. (also he was in some TV program with Kame a while ago. was it SC premium? something like that.)
Anyway, he's got a new album out and it includes his version of Real Face as well as his version of Arashi's Aozora Pedal (which he also wrote). There was also a song titled 'Loveless' and I went S;DLSJFKL for a second but it was false alarm >_>;
Real Face Aozora Pedal (er, ignore the random Chinese filename)
I have my last exam for this year next week (haha, a week before the next begins /dies) so I need to STUDY REALLY HARD because I needneedneed to pass this. It's on American and British culture (think the political, legal, educational system, religion, history IDEK. 8|) for my minor. and I kinda failed badly last time. T_T It is the last obstacle to my BA. Well, that and the HUGE TANGLED MASS OF TERROR that is the graduation procedures that I can't make sense of ;-; but, y'know.
I thought I'd open drabble requests for the hours my brain will doubtlessly be too mushy to make sense of US politics and the like. I haven't written anything except an exchange fic here and there for ages but, er, yeah >_>;;
To not make it terribly long, let's try that sentences meme. Give me a person/pairing, prompt and number between 1 and 10 and I'll write something with that number of sentences.
I basically write YOU&J. If there's something else you want and you think I might know it, try me! You can prompt more than once if you want.