Apr 02, 2011 12:39

Long overdue post is long overdue. >_>

I got absolutely adorable nakanishi fic @ fic_the_faith. It's awesome. IT LITERALLY HAS SPARKLES. ♥

Jin has a twitter, everything else is irrelevant. Chyeaah. Refreshing forever.

I have unfounded hope that this sets a precedent for the rest of JE. I'd love for Ryo to get a twitter, for example, so he can tell the entire internet that their hair sucks. >__>

I watched a bit of a (the?) Tegomasu con, including the MC, with buzzbird last week and GETTING MY MASSU FANGIRL MODE ON. *___* HOW HAS IT TAKEN ME THIS LONG TO REALIZE HIS ABSOLUTE AWESOME IDE. S;DCKFHJKSDHJFKSD ♥____♥

'Kay. Off to write a presentation in Japanese now cause I mistook the date and it's actually THIS week not NEXT week. My fail, let me show you it.

also I'll try to actually start posting again, this radio silence thing blows. XD so much flail to share~! 8| but life/stress/ide, there is too much of it.
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