Happy Holidays from Stateside

Dec 23, 2006 21:08

How come when I fly out to the US for Christmas there is always a nasty rainstorm the day I land? I flew out to the US for Christmas 4 years ago and there was such a storm in SF the day I landed. This year I flew to SF and the next day to Seattle. The day I landed in Seattle there was a nasty storm that left my relatives without power for 4 days. Thankfully, we were able to retreat to Olympic National Park. I did have a good time in the Pacific Northwest. I met up with some old friends from my Berkeley days and met their newborn baby (What a cutie and sweet little girl). I also had plenty of time to reIax. I think that I finally got the stats course out of my system... flew back to CA on Thursday and am now with my family in Southern CA. I will spend the majority of the rest of our holiday here before I fly back to LHR on 4 January. . . Hope that all has a very Happy Holiday season! Best wishes to all!!!
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