(no subject)

Aug 08, 2008 01:43

IIiii found the camera battery that works :D. Woooo! So I took pictures of my big eel at feeding time~. Durhurhurhur. 6 + geekkkkk

Blurry, but it's for size reference :'D. The tank is 25" tall.

A photo for actual color. No flash.

I was teasing him with a chop stick :P.

OH MY GOD I WAS SO CLOSE to getting a photo of his pharyngeal jaws ; ;. You can KIND OF see them near the roof of his mouth I think, towards the back. They're so cool... I need to get a good photo of them one day.

om nom nom nom tuna tastes good

And bwahahahaha I'm an EverGeek. This screenie is old, but eehhh my armor looks the same. I'm not with Killer Bixies anymore. Kala made me join Shattered Equilibrium :P. My pet is hardcore :D!

Today was my bro's birthday, too. He got a guitar and we've both been playing it. I can play the Darth Vader theme and Jingle Bells lol.

Also, I FINALLY finished Saving Fish From Drowning, and to be honest it wasn't... that good :/. I liked the opening little story and title, but the rest wasn't very exciting or worthwhile. It had it's good points, but on the whole I think I should have read something else.

photos, fish, geek

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