I met Mr. Bojangles at a bar this weekend...

Oct 09, 2005 22:18

Well, it looks like I'm finally beginning to build up a group of friends and aquaintances here. I know that its finally happened, because for the first time in the months since I've been here, I unexpectedly ran into people I knew in public places. I ran into my classmate Kim, at, where else but Wal-Mart. It must be a universal rule that if you are going to run into people you know, it WILL be at the Wal-Mart. Then I ran into Callie's Mom at the movie theater today. It's still weird for me to run into people I know here. If I'm alone and I'm out in public, I'm very tunnel vision focused on whatever it is I'm doing so I always end up feeling rude when I'm startled out of my shopping-driven trance by whomever it is who recognizes me.

This weekend was a blast though. My classmate Lauren and I decided to have a night out and we went downtown to Southside Johnny's and Rum Bay. We must have the title "COUNSELOR" tattoed in invisible ink somewhere on our foreheads, because while we were sitting at the bar at Southside Johnny's this guy who came up to hit on us ended up telling us his life story, and it was not a nice one. He had been a soldier in Iraq, if that tells you anything. I felt bad for the poor guy, and I kept wanting to diagnose the guy with PTSD, because it really sounded like that's what he had, but I had to bite my tongue. Lauren and I had a good time overall though. At Rum Bay we drank and danced. I got pretty drunk. It's been awhile since I've done either.

Then on Saturday I hung out with my coworker Susan, and her husband and friends. Apparently her sister-in-law's husband's band was playing at this bar that's literally right down the street from me. It's a nifty little pool/darts/karaoke bar called the Dead Ant. I didn't even know there was a bar anywhere in my vacinity, much less within walking distance from where I live. Susan and I sang a lot of karaoke. We sang YMCA, because of course, we both work at the YMCA, and it simply had to be done. Later on we sang I Love Rock n Roll, which, was of course, my choice. I love that song, and it is a great karaoke song.

It is well known that I appreciate the absurdity of life, and in keeping with that tradition, I met Mr. Bojangles at this bar. Ha. Actually, he was a part of Susan's sister-in-law's husband's band. He was the guitar player. After his band played, they had karaoke, and the announcer introduced him as "Saint Jangles" which I thought was simply an alias or a nickname. Later on in the night, I ran into him, and I asked him what his real name was. Turns out, his real name is Bo Jangles. I thought it was pretty funny. Apparently his parents have a sense of humor. I think they set him up to be a musician by giving him that name. Because seriously... With a name like Bojangles, what else are you going to do?

random, friends, ymca, absurd, fun, hilarious, music, colorado

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