Too much to post...

May 19, 2005 21:57

Holy crap so much has gone on in the last couple of weeks!!! I've been meaning to post a happy graduation post, but I don't think I'll get around to it until either right before I leave for Colorado or right after I get to Colorado. We'll see how it all pans out...

To give a very small update on what's been going on... I graduated last Saturday. It was awesome staying at Chris's for several days and doing nothing but going to parties and hanging out with people. :-) I really feel like I'm getting some closure that way, though I will be coming back to Denton at least once more before I leave... One last hurrah if you will.

Second on the agenda to talk about is the fact that my Mom just got out of surgery on her arm and is doing fine. She is ending up with a prosthetic bone in her shoulder because she really just shattered it when she fell. :-( However, it looks like she is doing fine, and she will recover nicely in the coming months. I was SOOOOO scared for her today. However, I knew in the back of my mind that it was just a routine surgery and so it would be ok. Spending an entire day in a hospital is not terribly entertaining. Right now I'm feeling very blessed that we don't have a sickly family. I don't think that I could do that all of the time. It would just completely drain me.

Third is the fact that I'm getting a new car!!! Well... A used car, but it's new for me. ;-) It's an AWESOME freaking car!!! It's a 2000 silver Toyota Solara with 64K for only $8477 and it's loaded. However, there's one little catch... We thought it was going to be an automatic. The internet ad said automatic, however, when we got there, it turned out that it was a manual. So, what to do? A very nice car in really good condition, with the only snag being that it's a standard. Well, my dad agreed that it's a really good deal, and I tried to convince both of my parents that I could learn how to drive a stick in, oh... A week and a half before I have to leave for Colorado. My Mom was dead set against it. My father, however, drove the car with the dealer, and watched me start learning how to drive the car with the dealer and seemed a little more convinced that I could do it. So, it looks like we'll be heading back there tomorrow to go buy it!!! :-D Oh boy... I'm going to learn how to drive a stick. This will be entertaining...

So that's all the big news... I'm pushing back my departure date for Colorado, partially because of my Mom's surgery, and partially because I now have to learn how to drive a standard in two weeks. I probably won't be leaving until the second week of June. That's not going to give me a whole lot of time to get settled in Colorado before I have to start going to classes, but it should be enough.

Anyway, I plan on updating more later when I have more time... If that happens before I leave. Just remember that I will be coming back to Denton at SOME point before I leave to see everyone, so if you want to see me on whichever day that happens to be, just contact me.

car shopping, surgery, undergrad, senior year, family, graduation

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