Oct 21, 2005 15:56
Ok this time I I hit it out of the park as far as not updating in awhile. What can I say...I'm a busy girl! Got a new job about 3 months ago-which I love, and everything has been pretty wonderful since I left Brookstone. I am now a teacher, and nothing makes me happier than that. Have also managed to drop about 15 pounds from chasing the hellions around. I have also refused to let the man get me down =) I got to take Orilio to New Orleans before the storm, which was awesome. I will try a post pictures sometime so you all can see us falling on our asses on Bourbon Street. Hey...in case you don't know, every drink on bourbon street comes with 2 free shots...of course we were falling =) Let's see...bought a car...bought furniture for our house...yeah, ok so I wasn't THAT busy, but cut me some slack. Anyways, after this I will be returning unreturned phones calls and try to catch up with people. In the meantime, keep it real y'all and remember "Don't be a menace in south central while drinking your juice in the hood".