Title: Bored
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied incest, implied m/m sex, implied underage
Word Count: 667
Spoilers: None (pre-season)
Disclaimer: Though I would love to have them, neither the boys or Supernatural are mine. They belong to Kripke and WB/CW and I make no profit from making them do my will.
Summary: Dean hates all the time he has to spend alone with his thoughts while Dad's away and Sammy's in school.
Notes: Part 3 of what is turning out to be a never ending saga. I'm not sure what the point of this one was, except maybe to lay down some background. Dean wanted it written though, so here it is. Parts
One and
Two are recomended if your not already familiar with them.
Dad was gone again. It was a Tuesday and Sammy still had nearly a whole school week ahead of him so he had to stay behind. That, of course, meant that dean had to stay as well. He was more than restless, counting the hours till his brother got home from school when he’d no longer be board and alone. It wasn’t hard to get claustrophobic in the little efficiency they were currently calling home. The “apartment” was just a glorified motel room in some shit hole that rented weekly. There were two beds (Sammy could share with Dean when Dad was home), a dresser with a TV on top, a double closet and a ratty old sofa in the central area. A small kitchenette flanked the door to the squally small bathroom. It was, as Dad had told them, adequate.
Close enough anyway. The fact that they hadn’t even bothered to look for anything else was a clear sign that they’d be leaving as soon as Sammy’s semester was over. Hell, the only reason they’d been there that long was because it was important to the younger boy. Dean was working on convincing Dad that it would be better for Sammy’s grades if he could spend at least a year at a time in the same school, but so far it looked like they’d be moving again over Christmas break. Well, it was just his freshman year, Dean would try harder this next time.
It wasn’t just grades, though for some reason, Sammy seemed to put a lot of store in them. Dean already knew how badly his little brother wanted to be “normal”. It would be nice if he got a chance to make some real friends as well. The older boy knew first hand how hard it was to be the new kid, especially in hand-me-down jeans and second hand shoes.
Dean looked at his watch, again. Still four hours left. He was tempted to pick Sammy up early for a “doctor’s appointment”. It would be easy to forge a not for tomorrow, but he knew the younger boy would never go for it.
That left beer and pool. Well, he could go look for some pretty local girl to keep him entertained, but Dean wasn’t really in the mood for that. Most of it was flirting just for show anyway. For show and to convince himself that his tastes were normal, not that he was the one that craved “normal”.
It actually made Dean a little sad that his brother wanted such a different life than he did. In the older boy’s mind, they were hunters, plain and simple. It was what they did, and he loved it. Sammy though, he always seemed to be looking for something more. It wasn’t that he was bad at it. At fourteen, the younger brother was already proficient in several archaic languages and had a slew of knowledge on rituals and various obscure religions. He was even pretty good with weapons, especially knives. No, Sammy was going to be a damn good hunter. He just wasn’t happy with it. Maybe it was just that he was a teenager now, angsty and unhappy for no other reason than a required right of passage. Dean hoped that was it, though he knew it probably wasn’t.
Damn it! Here he was trying to get out and stop thinking, and Dean’s thoughts had automatically gone back to Sammy. He kicked a stone, hard, and watched it ricochet off of a nearby post. Definitely time for a drink and a game of pool before he started thinking about…. Several images jumped through his head, most of them involving Sammy, very little clothing, and a lot of sweat. Yeah, before he started thinking about that.
He walked into the dark bar, flashed his fake id as he ordered a beer and headed for the pool tables. Three and a half hours, four beers, and three hundred dollars later he walked back out.