Aug 18, 2010 11:46
Yesterday I had to go do a home inspection for my job at the coast. They were going to pay me to drive to Florence and so I thought I should take advantage and eat lunch there. I had a dream of taking Maya with me and her running along the beach and how nice that would be to do on a Tuesday afternoon. I decided to invite Angie and Maya and make an afternoon of it.
I did not count on construction. so it took 2 hours to get there. I called to reschedule the home inspection until after lunch. We ended up going to A&W, which I have very fond memories of from childhood. (after my parent's divorce, I remember a specific time that my dad took my brother and I there and drinking the root beer. I have always associated the restaurants and those cold glasses of root beer as good dad times)
I did the home inspection and emailed my coworkers to tell them I wasn't going to be back as early as I expected and not to expect me back in the office. (the actual inspection was now scheduled for 1:30 plus drive time plus beach time meant I would be back very late).
we took maya to the beach and she ran and played and got sandy. we went somewhere weird, so it wasn't really the beach but some inlet sort of thing and there was a huge rock wall separating this part of the water, from a boat part of the water. Angie and I explored path behind the beach that looked like a trail that might go somewhere cool. It went to the beach. :) Angie decided to walk the rock wall back to the start point, and I was very nervous about how I could get help if she fell or couldn't go further. She had my bag and I made her give it back in case I needed to call for help. I told her that when I said Marco that meant I couldn't see her and she should respond to me with Polo and she made fun of me. She did disappear for a while and didn't respond to Marco so I started screaming her name, and then she was like I am fine yo, and I was like don't give me a heart attack then biatch. It was a really long rock walk, but I think she needed to prove to herself she could do it with her MS. There was a point when I thought the boats on the other side were going to try and rescue her but thankfully they didn't yell at us.
Maya got good and filthy in the sand. she chased kelp floating on the tide, and kept dropping the ball with all the sand in her mouth and on the ball. She chased a bird but came back when I called (yay!). We did not bring towels, which was super silly and I tried to wipe her down with the cover from her dog bed. She left a cute saltwater/sand chin print on my seat when she got back in.
I drove. Angie and I did the crossword on the way there and back and only had a few we couldn't figure out which was super fun. I chose the music and I sang along to it (what a relief that was for me).
It was a really nice and sweet day.
good things,