{Fic} May 19: What There is to Lose - Two (Dead Zone/House)

May 19, 2007 20:56

By Clarity Scifiroots
Disclaimers apply for both the Dead Zone and House universes.
Pairings: Bruce/Johnny, (eventual) House/Wilson
Rating: All
Spoilers: Dead Zone - through season five’s opening
Summary: The news filters down that the new diagnostics’ patient is a psychic.
Note: Sequel to At His Side; this is the second of a series of interconnected stories crossing The Dead Zone with House, M.D.
May!fic 19 of 31

Link to Fragment One

“We have a new case already?” Chase asks as he walks into the conference room. He checks his watch; he’s early, yet here’s House standing at the white board and cheerily scribbling away.

House doesn’t pause. “No, I thought I’d list the qualities I’m looking for in a perfect mate.”

Chase switches his jacket for a lab coat and doesn’t bother to respond. Cameron and Foreman make their appearance within the next few minutes. The three sit down and wait for House; he stands at the board staring at his handiwork silently for a few minutes.

“Head’s up.” House turns around and flings the marker at Chase’s head. The blonde catches it with practiced ease. “Let’s see what our resident Agent Spooky has to say about our new patient.”

“Why me?” Chase glances at the list on the board:

Short-term memory loss
Increased chronic pain
Delusions of grandeur
History of head trauma

“What do you mean, ‘delusions of gandeur’?” Cameron questions.

House pulls out a rolled-up newspaper from a bag at his feet and tosses it on the table so that its cover faces Chase. The blonde blinks in surprise. “You mean we’re treating Johnny Smith?”

Foreman raises an eyebrow. Cameron leans closer with interest. Meanwhile, House smirks confidently.

“A ‘psychic’ is coming all the way from Maine to see you,” Foreman says dubiously.

“Oh, not just me, I’m sure.” House gestures magnanimously to include his employees. “I’m sure he had a vision of how phenomenal our little team is.”

“Is he here?” Cameron asks, eyes scanning the symptom list.

House bounces his cane on the floor as he considers. “Hmm... Don’t know, don’t care. He’ll have to show up eventually, don’t you think?” He fixes Chases with a stare. “Still haven’t heard from you, Spooky.”

“What do you want me to say?” Chase glances down at the year-old front page of a World Weekly News featuring a main article on the psychic. He tries to remember what he’s read. “He was in a coma for six years and wasn’t expected to wake up. Then he did and apparently can ‘see’ things. Supposedly he’s helped out the police, CIA, and even some politicians.” He shrugs.

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s reliable information,” Foreman mutters with an eye roll.

“Ye of little faith,” House accuses. He limps closer to the table and pushes a stack of folders at the table’s edge into the center. “Here’s your reading material. The films are still coming.” He turns to his office, leaving the wide-eyed trio behind to gawk at the enormous stack.


“Cuddy says you need me?” Wilson stands in the doorway of House’s office with a curious expression.

House slips his yo-yo into a drawer. “You know I always need you, Jimmy,” he coos, completing the effect with fluttering eyelashes.

Wilson rolls his eyes. “What is it? I have a patient in-” he glances at his watch “-ten minutes.”

“Nothing. Yet.” House leans back in his chair, hands behind his head. “But I’m pretty sure Cameron will eventually be screening our psychic for brain tumors.”

“What psychic?” Wilson stops lingering by the door and moves to the desk.

House smirks. He knows Wilson will be in on this case start to finish even though he’s sure cancer isn’t involved. “Psychic Johnny Smith is flying all the way to New Jersey to see little ol’ me.”

“John Smith?” Wilson asked incredulously. “Are we keeping his identity secret?”

“Idiotic parents,” House explains.

“And why are you treating him?”

“He’s the fortuneteller, you should ask him that.” He sits up and turns to the computer. “Do you know how many fan sites this guy has? It’s like he’s a cartoon superhero.” He tilts his head and pouts dramatically. “I want a fan site.”

With an exasperated sigh, Wilson circles the desk to look over House’s shoulder. His nose wrinkles as he squints at the Google results House has open in one window; another is opened on the right with an article from Wikipedia.

“You want people speculating on your life and making up stories to fulfill personal fantasies?” Wilson asks skeptically. He glances at House. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised if this man’s medical information starts circulating the web,” he says dryly.

“Are you implying I’m going to do that? Don’t be stupid, I’m a big grown-up doctor now. I know all about doctor-patient privacy.”

Wilson eyes him warily. “Sure, I’ll remind you of that when I see the e-mails going off to the newsstand rags.” He glances at his watch and mutters a curse. “I’ll be back later.”

“Go, have fun. Think on all those tricky questions you want answers to. Hey, maybe he’ll know who your next three wives are! And why they divorce you.,” House calls out as Wilson leaves.


Cuddy’s in the midst of organizing a file of latest equipment requisitions when a nurse stops by to inform her that Johnny Smith is being admitted. She sets aside her previous work.

She meets Johnny Smith and the man she’d talked with on the phone at the elevators. She nods to the nurse accompanying them and accepts the file as she takes over.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Lisa Cuddy.” She offers her hand to the dark-skinned man standing beside the wheelchair.

“Bruce Lewis,” he says. “Thanks for your help.”

“And I seem to be the helpless patient,” the blonde sitting in the wheelchair says, his expression one of frustration.

Cuddy smiles apologetically. “Mr. Smith,” she greets. “We’ll get you settled right away.”

“Johnny,” he says with a small sigh and refuses her handshake.

Bruce handles the wheelchair as they walk down the hallway. Cuddy briefly glances through the file. “Any questions so far?” she asks.

“I suppose it’s too late to request I try this as an out-patient,” Johnny mutters.

“Wouldn’t have worked, man,” Bruce responds. He glances at Cuddy. “I think we’re alright for now. Although, how soon can we get started?”

The blonde turns his head to look at her. Cuddy offers a reassuring smile. “I’ll page diagnostics after I show you to your room.”

“Thank you,” Bruce says. Johnny responds with a tense frown and faces forward. His fingers curl over the armrests like claws.

Cuddy has a sense of foreboding. This patient looks like he’ll argue every step of the way. Her conversation with Bruce revealed an especially protective relationship. She silently prays that this won’t end in a major lawsuit or some other disaster.

“Bruce...” Johnny’s voice is low and tight.

They stop abruptly and Cuddy watches as Bruce leans forward. “What is it?”

“Why is Stillson here?”

Bruce glances up sharply but after a few moments of looking around his face pales. He places a trembling hand on Johnny’s shoulder and says gently, “John, he’s not. Come on, let’s get you settled.”

Neither man offers an explanation as they continue. Cuddy directs them to the room with a nod and excuses herself. She looks back to see Bruce squatting next to the wheelchair and holding the blonde’s hands with a worried expression. She turns back toward the nurses’ station to page House’s team.


Fin ~ Two

Character/Show info:
The Dead Zone Official Site (great resource) | Wiki
House Wiki

rating: all, may!fic 2007, fanfiction, genre: drama, the dead zone, house m.d., genre: episode tag, bruce/johnny, genre: crossover, sci-fi, genre: series

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