PotC Slash/Femmeslash Ficathon SIGN-UPS

Jul 30, 2006 16:33

Please read this post first. Questions and comments should go to that post!

Comments here are screened. Only responses to the request form should be put here.

Please fill out the following! - Only ONE per person!
    Select, copy, and paste the following form: Remember that these comments will be screened! Only myself and potentially my helpers will see this so please don't worry about giving out your contact info. Details explaining each part of the form are listed below! Please read them before asking any questions.

Your LJ, if you have one:
Desired pairing(s):
Preferred pairing "status":
2 story elements you WANT to see:
2 story elements you DO NOT want to see:

All/any pairings you are willing to write:
Any/all pairings you WILL NOT write (limit to five, please):
Any character you absolutely can't write?:
Major squicks/will note write (limit to 3):

Explanations/details: As a READER

Desired pairings
You need to choose at least one pairing/trio. You can use "OR" to denote a variety of pairings you'd like to see. Use "AND" if you'd like to see more than one pairing in the fic--please limit yourself to two. ^_^;;
    examples:  1. Jack/Will
                         2. Jack/Will/Norrington AND AnaMaria/Elizabeth
                         3. Tia Dalma/AnaMaria OR Jack/Norrington
BTW, please just use the character names and a "/" (or "x" or "+") to denote pairings. ^_~ I can be slow on the uptake, so while I recognize Sparrington and Turrow, there's others that I don't pick up on or am not familiar with.

Preferred pairing "status"
i.e.: "pre-slash", "first time/get together", or "established relationship. This is only a preference, your writer is not obligated to follow this particular part. Still, nice to give a heads-up, I figure. (Like for me, I absolutely love first time/get together fics across all fandoms. Love 'em!)

2 story elements you want to see
From the general to the specific. What you should not do is leave a lengthy summary of what you want.
This can be as simple as a combination of words, a particular situation, character appearences, or quotes... The list goes on. Some sort of prompt--including something like "take such-and-such a scene and put a slash twist on it" or a "what if...?"
If you want an AU, please note that here! (and yes, that counts as one element, although you should also include the general AU details that you're thinking of. i.e. "AU - DMC verse" or "AU - futuristic scifi world... think Firefly.")

2 story elements you DO NOT want to see
i.e. your top squicks/no-nos. So this is where you say "no non-con/rape" or "wimpy Will sucks" or "no AUs" etc.

Explanation/details: As a WRITER
All/any pairings you are willing to write
Pretty self explanatory. Think hard about who you're willing to write. And be aware that it's really helpful if you list more than one pairing(/trio)

Any/all pairings you WILL NOT write: (limit to five, please)
These are you "absolutely not" ones. So... probably your squick pairings, eh? (i.e. Bootstrap/Will.......... o.0;;;  Barbossa/Davy Jones [LMAO]....)

Any character you absolutely can't write?
Don't think you can write Norrington? Or Davy Jones? Note that here. Please list no more than two.

Major squicks/will note write: (limit fo 3)
If you are not willing to write NC-17 (aka, sexually graphic) scenes, please include that here. This is in case there are requestions for, y'know Norrie/Will smut or one of the ever-famous stories where sex is the cure for some bizarre disease. =p
Remember that squicks don't always mean sexual thing, okay? What about death!fics? Or complete AUs (meaning removed completely from the time period / basic roles of the movies)?
I have un-screened my filled-out form below for an example.
Still confused? Have additional quests? Direct them to this post.

potc, slash, dead man's chest, fanfiction

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