{Fic} Clothes (or lack thereof) Make the Man (Edited Junefic)

Jul 11, 2005 09:25

“Don’t you think this is a little cliché?” Logan snorted as he glanced at the special suits on display.

Jean couldn’t quite hide her smile. “What do you mean?” she asked, anyway.

He narrowed his eyes at her and jerked his thumb at the display cases. “Who do you think you are-Batman and Robin?”

“You’ll notice that tights aren’t part of the gear,” Jean pointed out practically, the hint of amusement twinkling in her eyes.

Logan shook his head in disgust. “That doesn’t change the fact that you have ridiculous ‘ensembles’ laid out in museum cases.” He eyed the suits in question with a jaundiced eye. “Everyone wears this get-up?”

“Everyone on the team,” came Scott’s firm reply, preceding his entrance into the gear-up room. He crossed to Jean smoothly and wrapped one arm about her waist before turning his visor-shielded gaze on Logan. He challenged, “Afraid it’s not your best color, Wolf-man?”

“You wanna play dress up, it’s no skin off my teeth, One-Eye.” Logan bared his teeth in a sharp smile.

“Whine all you want, if you insist on sticking around we all head out geared-up.” Scott smirked. Jean looked  a little exasperated as the men continued to bicker.

Logan growled, “Want to try and make me?”

Scott snorted quietly. “What, you’d rather fight naked?”

Grinning broadly, Logan relaxed and eased into a pose that highlighted his impressive body. “Hey, you got it, flaunt it.” He glanced Scott up and down with a dismissive glance. “A bit scrawny, ain’tcha?”

Jean hid a snicker behind her hand as she felt Scott tense next to her.

Logan turned towards the hallway as Scott sputtered, still searching for a comeback. “If you have any doubts, just ask your lady, Cyclops”-he used the name like an insult-“she just can’t wait to get my shirt off!” He walked off whistling quietly to himself, leaving two speechless mutants behind.

rating: all, gen, genre: humor, x-men, sci-fi, fanfiction, june!fic2005

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