Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

Jun 28, 2009 21:33

I went out to Worthing and Brighton for the day with James and his parents. I love Brighton, but I'm not so keen on Worthing, unfortunately we didn't get to spend as much time in Brighton as we did in Worthing. In Worthing we looked around a few shops, including Claire's Accesories, where I was slightly tempted to buy a Hannah Montana electric toothbrush that plays one of Miley's songs, just because of it kitsch charm. Sometimes I see incredibly naff, tacky items and want them solely because they're so naff. Claire's had lots of Jonas Brothers and SpongeBob Squarepants merchandise too, I wish they'd had some iCarly, or even better D&J, stuff though. I might have bought some and pretended it was for my little sister if they had.

After our wander around the shops we ate our lunch, bought from Boots, on Worthing beach. I wish we could have had lunch in Brighton though, as they have lots of vegetarian places. I fancied a RedVeg hotdog.

In Brighton I went into Lush, had blueberries smeared onto my hand and consequently bought a facemask. It's supposed to be good for spot-prone, sensitive skin. Then we sat outside a pub where I had a couple of Coronas, they'll be no more alcohol for me until the pram race (I'll explain about that later) on Friday though. I'm trying to behave myself lately, which means lots of fruit and veg and not much alcohol.

Also James says he's not taking me to see Public Enemies as I might swoon over Johnny Depp and it's bad enough me doing that over Josh Peck. Also because he's been on a bit of a Christian Bale boycott since the whole Terminator/lighting director incident. It looks like I might have to download it and swoon over Johnny and Christian on my laptop instead. He says he'll take me to see Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs though, he probably thought I couldn't really swoon over an animated possum.
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