Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
alexahhh gave me these.
Josh Peck - Is awesome. He's an amazing actor and really funny. Plus he seems like such a nice person, I love a man who loves his mommy. The fact that he's drop dead gorgeous doesn't hurt either.
the UK Is where I live. I like it here, but I would like to get out of it for a bit and see the world.
your boyfriend Is the only man lovelier than Josh Peck. We've been together for nearly two years. He puts up with my mood swings, obsessions with random celebrities and strange taste in TV. He also fails to notice my acne and runs out to buy me chocolate when I'm having a PMS-related chocolate emergency. Oh, and he gives the best cuddles.
music Is very important to me. It go me through some very hard times as a depressed teenager. A lot of my teenage memories consist of me lying in bed listening to The Smiths or Joni Mitchell.
veganism I've been vegan for just over five years, so about a quarter of my life. I'm vegan mainly for animal rights reasons, which is something I feel very strongly about. I've met many cool people and good friends through being vegan, including my lovely vegan boyfriend.