So excited to have finally gotten round to re-visiting my beloved LJ! Not that the month long trip to Bali wasn't a hoot... but I really have been pining.
And I am hurling myself back into the swing of things, hard at work on my Draco/Astoria submission for
interhouse_fest. Trying something a little different and am very excited about it! There are loads of excellent prompts still up for grabs too so if anyone fancies a challenge and has a spot of time to kill over these next two weeks, you should definitely head on over and snap one up!
Also very keen for
smrw_santa which I just discovered today, pioneered by two excellent sm/rw authors
anysomething and
drcjsnider who I know will do a fantastic job at moderating the whole thing. Simply cannot wait.
So *takes an exceptionally deep breath*, in summary- I'm pretty darn pleased I've made it back... and after reading this squee-ful fangirl post, I bet you are too.
P.S: If anyone fancies devoting their time and awesome mind power to help beta my submission I would probably die in gratitude. Just a thought.