How does she know?

Jan 01, 2008 19:45

1. Name: Elizabeth
2. Nickname: It really depends.  Friends call me Lizzy and family calls me Liz.
3. Age: 17
4. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
5. Location: Arizona, USA
6. Three to five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Smart, fun, helpful
7. Three to five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Arrogant, shy, cowardly
8. Do you like yourself? On most occasions!
9. Any talents? I'm an okay actress and an okay singer.  I'm learning to play piano.  Uhhh, I'm fantastic at remembering useless trivia!  (Really, last year in drama club I won the award "Knower of Useless Knowledge".  In fact, I think they made that one specifically for me....)

This or That
10. Would you rather live in an animated world or the real world?: Animated!  There will always be the scary stuff, just like in the real world, but you don't have to worry as much.  Chances are, you're dream come true will indeed come true in an animated world.
11. Which do you prefer: Love or power?: Love.  I'm a firm believer in "All you need is love".  Sorry, you have a Beatles fan on your hands!
12. Are you like a hero, a fair damsel, a sidekick, or something else? Explain: Most definately a sidekick.  I'm no where near interesting enough to warrant a whole story just for me.  But I'm always there, pushing the hero into action.  And I'll always be there to help.


13. Who is your favorite character in the movie? Why? I'm one of the few and proud Nathaniel fans.  I went into the movie, expecting to fall in love with one of the major characters (and don't get me wrong, I love them all) but I left loving Nathaniel.  I think it's because I can relate to him.  He went from this (vaguely) evil character with low self esteem and love issues to this self-assured man who could fix his wrong doings.  I think his transformation is admirable.  I also think the root of his story is one of the main themes of the movie.  All he wanted was his true love, did he not?  (Even if his true love wasn't the best choice of a person.)
14. What is your favorite song from the movie? Why? "That's How You Know"  It made me want to just get up and join in with the dancing and singing!  As cheesy as that sounds.  :D

Become Animated:

15. Please post 2 pictures of yourself or describe yourself: (It really shouldn't matter, but I'm only 4 ft 10 inches tall.  Sooo, my height changes how people see me.  Especially age wise.  Just a quirk in my opinion!)

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