School Drama

Sep 06, 2008 23:09

I always hated the end of the year drama at college, because of the big-to-do of roommates and dorms and who were you going to live with and where were you going to live with them.

I am seeing an advantage of Christian schools right now. As Christian schools usually only have one class per grade, so you are stuck with the teacher you I concede to you Christian are better in this way.

All this drama of who is going to get what is so juvenile. I feel like all the teachers in my school are wonderful and do their best to teach kids, but all the parents make it into a popularity contest.

I saw today that my evil student from last year "666" was put into the parents' pet fourth grade teacher's class. I LOVE all the fourth grade teachers...they are all wonderful and amazing and work as a team. 666's parent had put in a request form (mind you, the parents were instructed to request a teaching style, not a teacher, but is amazing that so many parents did not fill this form out but called to complain and move their kid when they saw the placements the week before school started) for the most beloved teacher, and at our placement meeting for the kids, I had told the principal, because I knew that 666's mom would throw a fit if she didn't get Beloved Fourth Grade Teacher.

Long story short, the principal is very moody and hates to be told what to do and ignored me and my plea that 666's mom get what she wanted to save him grief in the future. He had me put him in a different teacher's class. When I saw the placements the week before school started, it was still that way. THEN I saw 666's dad from afar and promptly ran into my room and shut of all the lights. And the first day of school, I see 666 in Beloved Teacher's line of kids. Now I'm the one who looks like the fool who put 666 in with the "wrong" teacher, but whatever. I'm so done to be with 666 and his parents. I am evil and hope that he doesn't get along with Beloved Teacher either.

The good side of all of this is, 666 is the only kid from my class last year in Beloved Teacher's Class this year. I am happy for all my kids from last year that they are free, Free, FREE!
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