It's my husband's and somehow the guy that was driving the van unloaded it onto the (it was in a backpack along with his ipod which got destroyed, too) ground and thought that everyone had picked up their things, so he didn't check behind him before he backed up, and my husband was inside the building doing something for work because the van got there like 20 minutes after he had gotten to work. It was separated from him because he put it in that van thinking he could get a ride in it but then it filled up so he got a different ride. Anyway we have insurance that will cover it. We think it MIGHT be repairable, so hopefully we'll get two laptops out of it.
Trust me on this, I am a computer technician and have to deal with customer's unit being sent off to service all the time...they wont fix that...if you have insurance, they will prolly just replace it with something comprable.
Yeah they are replacing it but it still turns on and works all right, the screen is just shot and we need a new case for it, so we are going to try to take it somewhere to replace the parts and see if it will work, it seems like it should. We already bought a new laptop to replace it because my husband needs one for work, so I had to go buy one and send it to him.
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