come on just say it, you need me like a bad habit.

May 03, 2005 21:11


+ Name:

+ Name Given By Friends:

+ Name Of Home Town:
west hempstead.

+ Name Of Current Location:
west hempstead...muaha

+ Number Of Years You've Lived:


+ Scent:
hmm haha...when guys smell good. idk. it's just hot. idk.

+ Person:

+ Person(famous):
bert mccracken. then, rivers cuomo.

+ Person To Be With:
i prefer to be alone, but i guess that's because i've had a lot of shitty friends. not to disrespect those who aren't shitty. because those who aren't shitty, are amazing. and i don't deserve you.

+ Vocalist(male):
bert mccracken!

+ Vocalist(female):

+ Type Of Music:
anything but country, but something of the rock genre. i really like metal. it really depends on my mood, though.

+ Book:
i have no idea.

+ Author:
no one.

+ Emotion/Feeling:
feeling at all is good enough for me. i'm not picky.

+ Word:
escape is a nice word...


+ Best (female):
um...girls don't like me...

+ Best (male):
you know who you are. hehe. <3

+ Other Close Friends:
look, i hardly even have people that won't ABANDON me...

+ Happiest:
amanda maybe? she's a pretty upbeat person.

+ Saddest:
define sad.

+ Silliest:
define silly.

+ Prettiest
james. haha. idk. you're "all" hot (all three of you, that is).

+ Moodiest:
um...jess. lol.

+ Bitchiest:
no comment.

+ Slut:
define slut.

+ Honest:
haha. nobody?

+ Rudest:

+ Nicest:
the ones who didn't abandon me.

+ Listens When You Need To Vent:

+ Looks Like A Celeberity:

+ Most Trustworthy:
i don't really trust anyone...

+ You Find Yourself Attracted To:
jen. oh, you meant...a guy. nobody.

+Treats You The Best:
<333 i really love my happy i have happy

+You Wish Wasn't So Sad:
heath, jess sometimes

+You Would Do Anything For:
my closest friends...TETA, maria, erica, allie, ash, heath, cat....even ppl im not AS close with like justine, theresa, tracy, annie, teresa..etc

+Best Couple:
hmm...obviously jen and dustin. tracy and tom are awesome. erica and dj.

+ Worst Couple:
hmm...idk. you. oh, and your mom.

+ Who Aren't Together But Should Be:
i could be incredibly mean right now but i won't be.

+ Means The World To You:
my brother? ...maybe my brother is my best friend. that's a bit sad...

..::SIGNIFIGANT OTHER::..(bf's/gf's/crushes)

+ Do You Have A Bf/Gf/Crush:
i repulse the opposite sex. and i like somebody that i have no chance with. typical.

+ Who:
um. actually someone from school. but it doesn't matter.

+ For How Long:
it's been growing slowly over the year as i stalked.

+ Are You Going to Make a Move?:
no. lol.

+ Does He/She Like You Back?
i doubt that. highly.
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