Birthday!gift: Catnipped 11

Oct 06, 2009 21:32

Title: Catnipped 11
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex (characters are of age)
Word count: 865
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for clear_stream18, who asked for more of Catnipped with blushing!Harry.
Summary: The return of Harry's catboy.

Much to Hermione's surprise and Ron's chagrin, Draco had moved in with Harry mere weeks after the Catboy Incident. Draco had dubbed that period of his life as the 'catboy incident', and Harry mentally capitalized it due to its importance in his life. If Harry thought he'd become rather enamored of Draco as a catboy, it paled in comparison to how fond he'd become of him since Draco had returned to Harry's home after having been restored to full human status.

Still, despite the fact that Draco sometimes purred in his sleep, there were times when Harry missed his catboy.

Harry was running late, but he had compensated by stopping for pizza. "Sorry I'm late, Draco," he called, wondering where his live-in cuddle toy was. He had envisioned Draco seated at the table and growing hungry and cross as he waited. "I brought pizza from that place you've been"

Harry's voice trailed off in silence. He was unable to speak with his tongue glued to the roof of his mouth.

Draco was lounging against the doorway leading into the kitchen, wearing leopard-print boxers, a pair of faux furry ears on his head, and a smirk. "Meow," he said with a playful wink.

Harry tossed the pizza on the table and prowled closer. "You had better be lubed and ready," he rumbled.

Draco's lip slid out in a sultry pout. "Perhaps I only want my tummy rubbed."

"I'll rub your tummy after," Harry promised, reaching up to fondle a soft, faux ear.

"After what?" Draco breathed, lashes fluttering over his dilated eyes.

"After I shag your sexy little arse," husked Harry.

"This arse?" Draco teased, turning and pushing his bum in Harry's direction.

Harry nearly growled in excitement when he saw the fake tail attached to Draco's rear. "Get to bed now," he ordered.

Draco laughed and dashed for the bedroom with his tail waving behind him. Harry rushed after Draco and careened off the doorjamb in his haste to join his boyfriend in bed. As Draco reached up, Harry blurted, "Leave the ears and the tail!" A hot blush suffused his cheeks, but Harry refused to recant.

Draco gave him a look, but he left the ears on his head. "The tail is attached to my pants," he said.

"Oh, okay," Harry sighed in disappointment. However, as Draco began to inch said pants down, Harry quickly forgot about it in his zest to see more of his catboy's silky skin.

"You asked if I was lubed and ready," Draco reminded him, kicking free of his underwear. He rolled to his side then angled his arse toward Harry. "Ta da!" He was wearing a plug.

Harry meant to say, 'You are the most amazing person I know, and I think I'm falling in love with you', but what came out was a garbled, incoherent series of wheezes. Harry gave up on trying to articulate himself and began frantically removing his clothing. He had no idea where half of his garments ended up, nor did he care. Harry pounced on the bed, and Draco rolled over with a leisurely feline stretch.

"Rub my belly," he commanded.

"I'll rub your belly after I've rubbed your prostate," Harry snarled, flipping Draco onto his stomach once more.

Draco laughed and tucked his knees beneath him, raising his arse for Harry's enjoyment. Harry spared a moment to roll a condom over his cock, and then he carefully removed the plug from Draco's hole. Draco released a tiny, mewling whimper when Harry slid into him, and he rose from his crouch so that he was on his fours in front of his boyfriend.

Harry thrust in completely and reached forward to pet Draco's fake ears. He settled into a steady rhythm as he shagged Draco, wanting this moment to last.

Soft, panting cries fell from Draco's lips as Harry drove into him over and over. He felt one of Harry's hands trail over his back and hip before it reached beneath Draco to grip his cock and stroke it. Draco's hips jerked into it and his focus narrowed to the hard cock plundering his arse and the hot hand on his shaft. Draco's fingers tightened in the bedding and held on as his climax caught him in its welcome grip and left him gasping and shuddering.

Harry's tempo faltered as Draco's body began to spasm around him, but he continued thrusting until his own shout of pleasure filled their bedroom. He sagged over Draco and spent long moments enjoying the tiny aftershocks. Reluctantly, Harry withdrew from his boyfriend and disposed of his condom. Draco was now sprawled across the bed on his back, ears askew, eyes closed and a sappy grin on his face.

"I suppose you're wanting your belly rubbed now," Harry murmured. As his fingers settled lightly on Draco's abdomen, a gurgling growl gave him pause. It was Draco's turn to blush while Harry shook his head and teased, "Perhaps I should feed your belly first."

Catnipped 12

content: safe sex, content: use of toy(s), verse: catnipped, creature: catboy, content: established relationship, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry

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