Birthday!gift: Veela Mate's Routine

Sep 30, 2009 22:51

Title: Veela Mate's Routine
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sex and slash, creature!fic (characters are of age)
Word count: 775
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warnings.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for sassy-cissa, who asked for top!Harry, mpreg and/or veela. I used the prompt as an excuse to sequel Veela Mating Ritual.
Summary: Meet the Malfoys.

There were definite perks to being the mate of a veela, Harry decided. Foremost among them was the fantastic sex. Another perk was seated across the breakfast table from Harry with a murderous expression on his patrician face. Lucius Malfoy had seemed on the verge of a mental meltdown ever since his newly-mated son had returned to the Manor with Harry Potter in tow. Baiting Lucius Malfoy had soon become Harry's second favorite activity.


"Father, Mum! I'm home!" Draco announced as he bounded through the front door of the Manor. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy swept out from the parlor immediately to greet him.

"Were you successful, son?" Lucius asked.

Draco nodded, although his happy smile and flushed cheeks could have answered for him.

"When can we meet your mate?" Narcissa wanted to know.

"He's here now," Draco replied. Poking his head out the still-open door, he called, "Come in. Mum and Father are anxious to meet you."

Draco's mate stepped through the door with a bashful grin on his face.

"Harry fucking Potter?!" Lucius bellowed.

Narcissa frowned at him. "Lucius Melvin Malfoy!" she scolded. Turning to Harry, she favored him with a smile and said, "Welcome to the family, Harry."

Harry thanked her before meeting Lucius Malfoy's eyes. "Your middle name is Melvin?" he asked, astonished and amused. As Lucius opened his mouth to retort, Harry continued. "I like it. It makes you seem warm and approachable. I believe I'll call you 'Melvin' from now on."


"Melvin, would you pass the butter, please?" Harry asked politely. He swore he could hear Lucius grinding his teeth. Whereas Narcissa Malfoy had, indeed, welcomed Harry into their home, Lucius gave every appearance of wanting to see Harry die a messy and painful death.

Not long after he had moved into Draco's suite of rooms, Harry had established a morning routine, one that he had followed to the letter this morning. He had wandered down for breakfast late, dressed in his pyjamas, hair still messy from last night's shag. He had greeted Draco with a husky, "Good morning, love," and a long, slow snog right at the table. Narcissa had blushed and averted her eyes, as she was wont to do, while Lucius had gripped his fork as if he wished to use it to smite his son's mate.

Harry had turned to greet his hostess. "Good morning, Narcissa. You look lovely today."

"Thank you, Harry," she smiled at him.

Harry had smirked at his host. "Good morning, Melvin." As Lucius glared at him, Harry had taken the seat next to Draco. He had dished himself up some breakfast and ate in silence as he listened to the Malfoys' morning conversation flow around him. Reaching beneath the table, Harry had squeezed Draco's thigh, causing him to squeak in surprise and slop juice over the side of his glass. Draco had been embarrassed, Narcissa had been exasperated, Lucius had been aggravated, and Harry found it all quite amusing.


Shagging Draco in the gardens had been a stroke of brilliance, Harry thought as he plied his veela lover with languid strokes. Draco was voicing his pleasure as loudly as ever, and Harry knew his impassioned wails could be heard all over the gardens and in the Manor house. He had a fleeting wish that he could see the expression on Lucius Malfoy's face right now.

The thought burned away in the heat being generated between Harry and Draco, as the movements of their joined bodies became fast and frantic. Draco clutched desperately at the marble bench he was bent over, bracing himself to take Harry's hard, pounding thrusts. Harry grasped Draco's shoulder with one hand while the other was busy stroking Draco's shaft. In that moment, nothing existed but the two of them and the delicious friction of their mating.


Lucius cringed as his son's ecstatic cries filtered into the parlor from the direction of the gardens. "Potter is debauching our son in broad daylight, the filthy bounder," he snarled. "Cissa, he has to die."

"Don't be absurd, darling," soothed his wife. "Harry makes Draco very happy."

"He is driving me spare," declared Lucius, rubbing his temples to ease the headache he could feel developing there. "I don't know how much longer I can live under the same roof as Potter without killing him."

Narcissa approached and laid a restraining hand on Lucius' arm. "There's a simple solution to your problem," she told him.

"What, pray tell?" sighed Lucius.

"You can buy Draco and Harry their own home."

Veela Housewarming

content: outdoor sex, content: established relationship, rating: r, verse: veela rituals, creature: veela, content: humor, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic

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