Targeted 7

Sep 23, 2009 00:33

Title: Targeted 7
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Wanking
Word count: 785
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for graylor, who asked for an update to my Targeted series and gave the prompt word of sable.
Summary: Harry eases his needs in the shower while Draco plays with his new toy.

Harry stepped under the shower and turned, allowing the spray of hot water to pound his shoulders and back. He hadn't realized how tense he'd become from only the short amount of time he'd spent in Malfoy's company. It was probably a good thing he hadn't stayed long enough to see Malfoy's reaction to the gift he'd given him.

It had been too long since Harry had had sex with anyone. Usually, he took care of his own needs. Sex itself involved an intimacy that he had grown increasingly uncomfortable with the longer he worked as a Ministry assassin. Potential lovers were also potential assassins themselves, and Harry disliked the vulnerability inherent in the act of coupling. His sexual encounters these days consisted of hiring a Muggle rentboy for a quick one-off.

For that reason, Malfoy's none-too-subtle flirting had affected Harry far more than he would have liked. He hoped that gifting the git with a vibe would keep Malfoy occupied and out of his hair. Never mind that the thought of Malfoy using the vibrator on himself had caused Harry's cock to swell rapidly. Resigned to the inevitable clamor of his body, Harry reached for himself with a soapy hand.


Draco couldn't believe that Potter had brought him a vibrator. Even more astonishing was that his host had immediately disappeared after tossing Draco the bag that contained the incredibly personal items. Draco wavered for only a moment before he dashed up the steps, thinking to put his gift to use. Right now.

Draco quickly stripped off his clothing and arranged the pillows comfortably on his bed before relaxing back against them. He opened the bottle of lubricant and coated his fingers before drawing his knees up and reaching between his legs. He found the crinkled flesh of his entrance with practiced ease and worked two fingers inside. Draco slid his fingers in and out and scissored them to stretch his entrance. Once he was satisfied with his preparations, he reached for the vibe and carefully inserted it.

"Mm," Draco hummed in pleasure. When he flicked the vibrator on, a sharp gasp was torn from him, and he squirmed on his bed in delight. Draco adjusted the speed and intensity of the vibrations and angled the toy to stimulate his prostate. He set his teeth in his lower lip to avoid the embarrassingly loud moan that was threatening to spill forth as a result. Draco reached for his cock with his free hand and began to stroke his shaft. His eyes rolled back, and he let his fantasies take flight. In his mind, Draco conjured the image of Potter between his legs. He imagined the sight of that dark, sable head lowering to take Draco's cock in his mouth. "Merlin," Draco whimpered, writhing now on the bed as his body reacted to the physical sensations and the mental imagery.


Harry's hand moved up and down his penis in long, lazy strokes. He tried to clear his mind and simply enjoy the physical sensation of wanking, but an image of Malfoy kept intruding. Harry found himself visualizing Malfoy's pale body sprawled upon his bed, legs spread in surrender as Harry joined him. He imagined what it would feel like to ram his cock into Malfoy's slick heat, and Harry's body pulsed and throbbed in response. His breaths became more shallow as the movements of his hand sped up, and soon Harry's hips were thrusting as he wanked himself frantically. His free hand slapped against the tiled wall of the shower an instant before his body tightened and released. Harry opened his eyes and watched in detached fascination as his ejaculate swirled down the drain with the water.


Draco's fingers squeezed and tugged his prick as his other hand worked the shaft of the vibrator in and out of his body. His eyes remained closed as he indulged himself in the fantasy that it was Potter's cock that was thrusting into him so zealously. Draco's hips arched up, and his legs opened wider. He spared a moment to consider what Potter's reaction would be, should his host walk into the room just now and find Draco in such a state of debauchery. It was the final impetus needed to catapult Draco into a twisting, panting orgasm. He opened his eyes to see the droplets of his release spatter across his stomach.

Draco wondered how much longer he could remain in this house before he was begging Potter to fuck him.


Targeted 8

verse: targeted, gift: birthday, rating: nc17, content: wanking

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