Birthday!gift; AWDT; HarryLovesDraco #9; Fluffy Vampire!Harry arc #5

Sep 16, 2009 00:34

Title: Mind the Fangs fluffy vampire!Harry verse #5
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, rimming, creature!fic (characters are of age)
Word count: 520
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit. AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDERAGE READERS. Mind the rating and the warnings.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for perivates, who asked for more of fluffy vampire!Harry; bondage and/or rimming. This can be read as a stand-alone.
Also written for:
awdt current prompt of Why aren't they coming here?
harrylovesdraco Challenge #9 - "Okay...right...almost - just a bit more now - yeah, that's it."
Summary: It's a tricky maneuver when one has fangs.

Draco was nervous and excited and self-conscious. It wasn't as if they'd never done this before, but that had been prior to Harry's...unfortunate change. Draco lay on his stomach on their bed, a pillow beneath his pelvis to tip his arse up. He shivered when Harry's hot breath ghosted over the exposed flesh of his arsehole. " careful," he whispered.

Harry had promised he could do this while keeping his fangs safely out of the way, and while Draco trusted his boyfriend, he wasn't as sure of Harry's abilities as Harry himself was. Draco's cock was full of eager anticipation, however, and it was all he could do not to frot against the pillow under him. Draco tensed and moaned at the first touch of his boyfriend's tongue. Harry used the flat of his tongue to lick a broad, wet stripe from Draco's balls up to the top of his cleft. He repeated the process, each lick getting shorter and shorter until he was lapping at the crinkled skin of Draco's rim. He continued to tease Draco, licking around and around without applying his tongue where Draco wanted it.

Draco squirmed, trying to maneuver himself so that Harry would hit the spot, but his wicked boyfriend persisted in thwarting him. "Harry," Draco whined. He heard and felt Harry snicker before Harry's tongue returned to torment him. "Mm," Draco moaned. "Okay...right...almost - just a bit more now - yeah, that's it." He sighed in ecstasy when Harry's tongue finally wriggled its way inside of him.

Harry would have liked to plunge his tongue deep and nibble on the tender flesh that was opening to him so sweetly, but he had to mind his fangs. Sometimes, being a vampire sucked.

Draco bit his lip and whimpered as Harry rimmed him. Merlin, it had been too long since they had engaged in this particular intimacy. He arched his spine and tipped his arse back, pushing against Harry in a demand for more. Soon, Draco was rubbing his throbbing cock on the pillow and thrusting back on Harry's tongue. "Oh, Harry," he moaned. "Harry, I'm going to c-come...aah!"

Draco's hole fluttered and spasmed around Harry's questing tongue. He withdrew the slick muscle from Draco's body and positioned himself over his boyfriend. Guiding his cock into place, Harry penetrated Draco's loosened hole and began to thrust.


Ron glanced once more at the Muggle time piece Hermione had given him as a gift. Their dinner party had been in full swing for nearly an hour, but Harry had yet to make an appearance with his git of a boyfriend. It was completely dark outside, so there was no reason why they hadn't shown up.

Hermione squeezed his hand. "Relax, Ron. Harry never said for sure if he and Draco were going to make it."

"But he's my best friend," Ron protested. "Why aren't they coming here?"

Hermione grimaced. "Knowing those two, it's because they're busy coming at home."

Vampires Need Love, Too

content: established relationship, rating: nc17, content: rimming, comm: harrylovesdraco, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, comm: awdt, content: creature fic, verse: fluffy vampire!harry, creature: vampire

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