Birthday!gift: Notorious

Sep 02, 2009 23:18

Title: Notorious
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Boy!snogging
Word count: 390
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for silvergreen98, whose prompt was H/D cuteness, bantering.
Summary: Malfoys are notoriously old-fashioned. Potters are simply notorious.

Harry walked Draco back to the doorway leading to the Slytherin Common Room. They had spent the afternoon together at Hogsmeade, and Harry had enjoyed the other boy's company. Draco was quite pleasant to be around when neither of them was spouting profanities or pointing wands at one another.

"I had a wonderful time today," Harry told him. Before he lost his nerve, he leaned in for a kiss. Draco turned his head at the last second, and Harry's lips brushed his cheek instead. Harry straightened with a frown. "Is something wrong?"

Draco's lashes fluttered coyly. "I don't snog on the first date," he said primly.

Harry almost laughed, but he caught himself in time. "Are you serious?" he asked.

Draco nodded. "We Malfoys are notoriously old-fashioned."

Reaching for Draco's hand, Harry used his thumb to rub circles on Draco's palm. "May I kiss you after our second date?"

"I think not."

"What?" Harry cried in dismay, certain that the other boy was toying with him.

A faint grin tugged at Draco's lips. "I'm sure you'll agree I am worth the wait."

Harry sighed heavily. "How many dates must I wait?" he pouted.

"Most Malfoys allow a chaste peck on the lips after the third date," Draco informed him, "but some have been known to make their suitors wait until nungh..."

Harry silenced the monologue by swooping in to capture Draco's soft lips in a very thorough snog. Harry peeked through his lashes to see Draco's eyes wide open and very surprised. Draco hadn't pulled away, however, which Harry took as an encouraging sign. Eventually, Draco relaxed into the kiss, tentatively returning the press of Harry's lips and moaning a little when Harry's tongue darted out for a taste. Harry took advantage of their close proximity to sift the fingers of one hand through the skein of Draco's hair, enjoying the silky texture. He eased out of the kiss and took a step back to catch his breath.

Draco's eyes, which had fluttered shut, opened and blinked at Harry owlishly. "That-that was rather sneaky of you, Harry," he murmured, swiping the tip of his tongue over his kiss-swollen lips.

Harry's own tingling lips quirked up in a smug smile. "We Potters are notoriously bold."

content: fluff, gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: hogwarts era

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