Targeted 6

Jul 26, 2009 02:17

Title: Targeted 6
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Neville, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 740
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Harry continues investigating Malfoy's case.

After leaving the Ministry, Harry went to St Mungo's to visit Neville. He had discovered that talking to his childhood friend grounded him in a way that no one else could. Neville was just so normal, whereas Ron, Hermione, and even Dean and Seamus all worked for the Ministry of Magic. Neville reminded Harry that not everyone was a pawn of some degree to the Ministry's whims.

When Harry arrived at St Mungo's, Neville was in with his parents. Harry elected to wait in the visitors' lounge. The only other person in there was a young man whom Harry had seen frequently in the ward. A particularly vicious hex had left his wife in a catatonic state, much like Frank and Alice Longbottom. Harry saw no sign of Padma Patil, whose twin sister Parvati had also been hexed into a similar state during the battle at Hogwarts. Harry had gone in to see Parvati a few times, but he had trouble reconciling the shell of the woman on the bed with the vivacious girl he remembered from Gryffindor House. Her affliction had served to subdue her sister as well. Neville had made it a point to frequently bring flowers for both sisters, and there seemed to be a romance blooming between Neville and Padma. Harry found it refreshing that they could discover love in the face of such solemn adversity.

It was nearly twenty minutes later when Neville entered the lounge. "Hello, Harry," he greeted with a pleasant smile.

"Neville," Harry responded, rising to shake his friend's hand. "How are your parents?"

"No better and no worse," Neville sighed, plowing a hand through his dark hair.

Harry nodded in understanding. "I came to see if you wanted to join me for dinner," he invited.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but I promised to take Padma to a new bistro that opened within walking distance of St Mungo's."

Harry clapped Neville on the shoulder. "No problem, mate," he said. "I think it's fantastic that you and Padma are there to support one another."

"Thanks, Harry," Neville replied with a shy smile. "We appreciate your support, too."


Not yet ready to return home, Harry returned to the Ministry and did some more digging in an attempt to learn who had assigned Marvin Klingenpeel to investigate Malfoy as a potential target for assassination. After poring over the written report on Malfoy's file, all Harry could find was an anonymously written document concluding Malfoy represented "a very likely threat and should be eliminated post-haste". The report had Harry seething. He found it incredible that a hit had been ordered on a "very likely threat" instead of making sure that the person targeted was a definite threat. It left him cold as he was forced to consider the possibility that other innocents had been identified and terminated based on inconclusive evidence. His mind skittered away from contemplating how many potentially innocent people he may have been responsible for eliminating.

When his research yielded no further helpful information, Harry decided to call it a day. He had an errand to run before returning to his safe house.


Draco had spent another boring day in Potter's Prison. He had dubbed the house such because he was being held there against his will. The highlight of Draco's day was the wank he'd indulged in after the brief exchange with Potter concerning vibrators had left him feeling randy. Draco had perused Potter's selection of books, finally settling on a well-worn Muggle mystery to read. It was early when he heard Potter return. Tossing the book aside, Draco went to meet his host, a complaint already forming on his tongue.

Before Draco could launch into his protests, however, Potter tossed a bag at him and said, "I bought you something."

Draco still possessed Seeker-swift reflexes, and he caught the bag in deft fingers. Glancing up, he realized Potter had slipped away in that soundless, unnerving manner of his. Giving his head a shake, Draco opened the bag. It contained a vibrator and a bottle of lubricant.


Targeted 7

content: drama, content: ust, verse: targeted, rating: pg13

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