Twilight, starring Harry "Edward" Potter and Draco "Bella" Malfoy

Jun 27, 2009 11:10

Title: Twilight, starring Harry "Edward" Potter and Draco "Bella" Malfoy
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Implied sex (Characters engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.)
Word count: 130
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a gift for all the "Twilight" fans on my flist. NOTE: I know virtually nothing about "Twilight", except what I've seen posted on LJ and the few trailers I saw before the movie. Mistakes are cheerfully owned by me.
Summary: Draco finds a sparkly Harry Potter oddly compelling.

"Potter, why are you sparkling?"

"I'm a vampire."

"A vampire." Draco's tone was skeptical.

"Yes," Harry all but hissed. "Say it."

"Say what?"

"What you just said."


"Yes," hissed Harry. "I like it. Say it again."



"Potter, this is getting ridiculous," Draco sighed.

"I know, but it's making me horny," Harry purred, stroking the huge bugle in his trousers. "Shall we shag?"

"I do feel strangely attracted to you..."

Harry smirked. "Wicked."




"Unh unh."

"Potter, you're so big."

"You're so tight, Malfoy."

"You bit me! Will I become a vampire now?"

"Er, yes?"


Two months later

"Potter, I'm pregnant."

"Malfoy, you slut!"

"It's yours, you arsehole."

"Oh," Harry beamed. "Well done, Draco."


Seven months after that

"It's a girl!"

"Look, Draco. We have a daughter. What shall we name her?"

Draco smiled wearily and announced, "Henceforth, she will be known as Narily Luja."

~the (merciful) end~

content: humor, rating: pg13, content: crack fic, content: mpreg

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