My Smoochfest fic!

Jun 06, 2009 17:54

Artwork by: star_sailor13

Title: A Decent Pot of Coffee
Name: enchanted_jae
Prompt: #112 - Time-period / theme: EWE, post-Hogwarts, morning waking up together
Place: Grimmauld Place
Object / word prompts: jeans, candles, coffee
Action: Kissing
Squicks: bondage
Preferences / other notes: Top!Harry and Bottom!Draco
Prompt Given by: lorrelai
Word Count: 1020
Rating: NC17
Betas: cluelesschase
Author's/Artist’s Notes: Thanks for the fun, fluffy prompt!
Disclaimer Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Observe the rating.
Summary: Draco wants to enjoy "the morning after", but Harry needs some convincing.

As was his habit, Draco didn't open his eyes immediately after waking up. Judging by the amount of light behind his closed eyelids, it was mid to late morning. He yawned and attempted to stretch, only to find himself pinned in place by a heavy weight across his waist. Frowning, Draco opened his eyes and saw an attractively masculine arm slung over his middle. At the same time, he realized he wasn't in his own bedroom in his London flat. A smug smile curved his lips as memories of the previous night rushed back. Draco had been on a pub crawl when he had encountered Harry Potter in the Cock and Hen. He'd flirted on a lark and been pleasantly surprised when Potter flirted back. Draco might have been content to leave it at that, but then Potter had kissed him.

And what a kiss it had been. Draco's toes curled at the memory. Who would have guessed that Harry Potter would have the ability to snog anyone's socks off, least of all Draco's? Potter had caught him by surprise, but any thoughts of resisting had flown out the window the instant his lips had fastened onto Draco's. For a first kiss, there had been nothing tentative about it. Potter had captured Draco's lips and proceeded to slide his own over Draco's in a sensuous snog. When Potter's tongue had darted out to press against the seam of Draco's mouth in a demand, not a request, for entrance, Draco had been truly lost. He had opened with a moan of surrender and allowed Potter's tongue to engage his in a hot, wet seduction. One of Potter's hands had trailed around behind Draco to cup and squeeze his arse before sneaking into the back pocket of his jeans to haul Draco's lower body flush against him.

Draco's legs had weakened, and he had been reduced to clinging to Potter's jumper in an effort to stay on his feet by the time Potter drew back, nipping Draco's bottom lip lightly as he did so. Draco had blurted the first thought that came to his mind, "Do you shag as well as you snog?"


Draco's toes curled again at the recollection of how well Potter had proven to him that, yes indeed, he could shag as well as he snogged. Potter had brought Draco home with him to 12 Grimmauld Place, and they had fallen onto his bed, petting, groping and kissing one another until the moment that Potter had turned Draco on to his stomach and entered him from behind in a smooth thrust. He had proceeded to stroke Draco inside and out, driving him to a fast and intense climax, before he took his own pleasure, groaning loudly as he had pulsed inside of Draco.

Sometime during the night, Draco had been awakened and rolled to his back before being treated to another devastating orgasm via Potter's cock and lips and hands. Draco had gone from sleeping soundly to keening loudly in short order, culminating in a wild cry of passion when he orgasmed. He had drifted into sleep once more, determined to make sure that this encounter would not be a one-night stand.

Draco hummed in lazy pleasure at the memory, and the arm about his middle tightened as Potter's hand splayed over his abdomen and rubbed in slow, soothing circles. Warm lips nuzzled at Draco's nape, interspersed with small, nibbling kisses, and a thrill of desire arrowed straight to his groin. He was more than ready for round three, but Potter seemed to have other ideas.

"I hope you don't mind that all I have is coffee," he rumbled before kissing his way down the slope of Draco's shoulder.

An annoyed scowl flickered across Draco's face before he stuck his lower lip out in a pout and turned to face the rumpled man behind him in bed. "Wouldn't you rather have something...sweet?" he teased as temptingly as he could. The slow grin that spread across Potter's face took Draco's breath away.

"I'd rather have something spicy," Potter replied, voice husky from sleep and sex. His hand delved unerringly between Draco's legs, finding him erect and ready.

Draco shuddered and gasped, "I believe that can be arranged."

Potter reached for the lubricant on his headboard and suggested, "Why don't you arrange yourself on your back and open wide?"

Draco's cock twitched with a surge of lust, and he complied with Potter's request, rolling on to his back and spreading his legs. He strove to lie still as Potter prepared him with slick fingers, and when Potter finally settled into the space between Draco's thighs, Draco raised his hips in silent entreaty. His breath hissed out of him at the welcomed intrusion of Potter's prick as it pressed inside his body, and Draco reacted by winding his legs around his partner's waist. Last night's brilliant shagging had been no fluke, and Draco's eyes rolled back in pleasure as Potter moved on him and in him, stroking him ohgodyesrightthere while he nipped at Draco's throat in tiny, stinging kisses.

Draco grasped Potter's shoulder with one hand and tangled the other in Potter's hair as he hung on for another dizzying shag. He panted in exertion as he writhed beneath Potter, releasing little moans and whimpers each time Potter drove deep and twisted his hips, increasing Draco's pleasure tenfold. When Potter's rough hand reached between their bodies to close around Draco's shaft, he was done. He climaxed with a shameless wail and dropped his legs so as to dig his heels into the mattress in an effort to grind himself onto the thick cock inside of him.

Potter growled in response and thrust harder until Draco felt the result of his release spurting hotly within him. Potter slumped atop him, breathing harshly, but Draco welcomed the weight pressing him into the bed. He stretched his legs out gingerly, entangling them with Potter's and sighed, "May I keep you?"

Potter smiled against Draco's neck before he lifted his head. "That depends," he grinned. "Can you make a decent pot of coffee?"

Cross-posted to hd_smoochfest

fest: smoochfest, content: top!harry, content: fest fic, rating: nc17

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