AWDT; Unforeseen 13

May 31, 2009 03:52

Title: Unforeseen Consequences 13
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Luna, Ron/Hermione, OCs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 850
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for the current awdt prompt of "What about penguins?" Part of my Unforeseen Consequences arc, all written for awdt prompts.
Summary: The twins decide to put in an early appearance.

"I don' want meemaids," Darcy pouted. "I don' like them."

"Since when don't you like mermaids?" exclaimed Luna. When her young charge merely glared at her sullenly, she relented. "What about penguins?" offered Luna, picking up another book.

Harry was at the other end of the playroom, helping Cory construct an elaborate castle with blocks. Draco was resting, having been confined to bed for the final weeks of his pregnancy. As Harry was thinking about going to check on his husband, Draco's peacock Patronus fluttered into the room. Harry clambered to his feet and dashed to the door as quickly as he could, given his own gravid state. He waddled down the hall and burst into the bedroom. "What's wrong?" he panted.

"These babies are ready to be born," Draco replied, face white with pain and fear.

Luna peered inside from the doorway. "You take Draco to St Mungo's," she instructed Harry. "I'll take care of things here and notify Hermione and Ron."

"Thanks, Luna," Harry sighed.

"Do you have Draco's bag packed?" Luna asked. When Harry's face fell, she waved him off. "Don't worry, I'll send something with Hermione."

"You're a life saver," Harry told her, relieved to have one less task to deal with. Helping Draco from the bed, Harry opened the seldom-used Floo connection in their room and grabbed a pinch of powder. "St Mungo's paternity ward!"


"Come on, love, you can do it," Harry said, offering encouragement.

"I hate you!" Draco wailed, squeezing his husband's hand and bearing down.

"Take it easy, Mr Malfoy-Potter," Eloise soothed. "We don't need your husband going into labor today, too, now do we?"

Draco groaned in answer, and Eloise added, "Now, push and breathe, and let's bring these precious babies into the world, shall we?"


Harry was exhausted and energized at the same time. Draco had presented him with two tiny, perfect daughters. Having been born nearly four weeks early, each weighed just under five pounds, but Eloise had pronounced them fit and feisty. Draco and the twins were sleeping soundly in their private room. No one else had been allowed in to see them yet, so Harry was making his way to the waiting room to greet his friends. Eloise had admonished Harry to get some rest, saying, "I don't want to deliver any more Potter-Malfoy babies today!" The staff had enlarged Draco's bed so that Harry could lie down with him, but he hadn't had time yet. He'd rest later; for now, he stepped into the waiting room.

Ron and Hermione jumped to their feet at Harry's entrance.

"How are the babies?"
"How's your daft husband?"

They blurted their questions at the same time.

Harry gave a tired smile. "Draco is fine and so are the twins."

"That's wonderful, Harry," beamed Hermione. "What names did you choose?"

Despite his exhaustion, Harry's eyes sparkled. "We've named the girls Morning Glory and Deadly Nightshade," he announced.

Hermione's mouth dropped open, and Ron's eyes bulged in their sockets. "Bloody hell," sputtered Hermione.

It was so unexpected coming from her that Harry burst into loud laughter. "I...I was only teasing you," he gasped, holding his sides as his baby kicked him for being disruptive.

"Honestly, Harry," Hermione scolded him. "What are their real names?"

Harry got his mirth under control. "Their names are Maia and Tia," he said proudly. He recited each girl's weight and measurement and ended with, "...and they both have heads full of dark hair."

"Congratulations, mate," Ron said, shaking Harry's hand.

"We should go," Hermione added. "We'd love to see the babies, but it's getting late. We'll come by again tomorrow."


Once Harry had said goodbye to his friends, he returned to Draco's room. His husband was sleeping, and Harry paused a moment to drink in the sight of Draco's peaceful expression before turning his attention to the cot. Tia and Maia shared a cot and were curled loosely together. A spell created a slight, protective barrier between them. Other spells monitored each baby's vital signs, while a final spell crafted by Eloise allowed the twins to hear Draco's heartbeats as he slept. Harry reached out and touched each tiny head with reverent awe. Tia frowned, Maia yawned, and Harry smiled at them, filled with paternal love. Tearing his eyes from his precious daughters, Harry crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, hoping not to disturb Draco.

"Harry?" Draco whispered, reaching blindly for his spouse.

Harry clasped Draco's hand. "I'm here, love."

"Are my babies alright?"

"Our daughters are fine," Harry assured him.

"Too small," Draco fretted, wincing as he tried to sit up.

"They're small, but not too small," Harry disagreed, pulling Draco close. "They're beautiful and perfect, and so are you. Thank you for giving me such adorable daughters," he murmured, pressing a kiss to Draco's mussed hair. "I love you."


Unforeseen Consequences 14

comm: awdt, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), content: mpreg, verse: unforeseen consequences

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