Targeted 5

May 24, 2009 00:39

Title: Targeted 5
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco, OFC
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1075
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Draco prods Harry while Harry learns the identity of Draco's would-be assassin.

Despite the late hour he'd gone to bed, Harry was up by seven in the morning to get ready for a return trip to the Ministry of Magic. When Draco came downstairs a short time later, Harry set his cup of coffee down and asked, "Who wants you dead, Malfoy?"

"Good morning to you, as well," Draco grumbled.

"The sooner the threat is eliminated, the sooner you can go home," Harry reminded him.

Draco sighed and poured himself a cup of coffee. "I'm the son of a Death Eater, Potter. Aside from that, I'm known to be wealthy and considered to be arrogant. Who doesn't have an axe to grind with me? That would include you as well, by the way."

Harry's expression remained impassive even as his eyes sharpened on Malfoy's face. "I assure you, Malfoy, had I wanted you dead we wouldn't be having this conversation."

A thrill of inappropriate desire chased its way down Draco's spine. Forceful, dangerous men made him weak in the knees, and Potter's new personality had it in spades.

Harry tried a different tact. "Of the people who may want you dead, who has enough motive and resources to follow through?"

Draco frowned as he stirred milk into his coffee. He supposed it would be expensive to hire a hit-wizard, but then again...

"Who hired you to protect me?" he asked abruptly.

Harry had been prepared for that question. "No one hired us, Malfoy. You were identified as a potential target, which is why I was on the scene."

Draco mulled that over while he sipped his coffee. "How about this," he said. "I'll go home and make some Floo calls and let you know if I come up with any ideas."

"Nice try; you're staying here."

"Potter, you cannot hold me prisoner here!" Draco protested. "I demand you release me at once."

"We've been over this before, Malfoy," Harry replied calmly. "You are staying here until we can be sure there is no longer a threat to you. You can stamp your feet and whine about the situation, or you can take advantage of it to think about how you can help the investigation."

Draco fumed for a full minute, but Harry stoically ignored him. Finally, Draco muttered, "I hope you don't expect me to sit around here all day contemplating who would want me dead."

"I have a library you may avail yourself of, and my house-elves have been instructed to provide for you."

"How magnanimous of you," Draco responded with more than a hint of sarcasm. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Harry replied in a bland voice. He finished his coffee and rose from the kitchen table.

Feeling inexplicably bold, Draco called, "Say, Potter?"

Harry paused and looked back.

"Do you have a vibrator I can borrow?" Draco struggled not to smirk at the flash of...something in Potter's eyes.

Harry clung to his composure through force of will and responded, "I'm afraid not, Malfoy. You'll have to amuse yourself with your fingers." He swept from the kitchen in a manner that Severus Snape would have been proud of.


Rather than putting his mind to puzzling over who wanted him dead badly enough to dispatch an assassin, Draco lounged on the divan in the library with an unread book and pondered the reasons why Potter did not own a vibrator. It was possible he was completely straight, which would be a tragedy in Draco's opinion, but he had to at least consider it. On the other hand, perhaps Potter was a total top. That thought was much more intriguing, and it caused Draco's semi-erect cock to fill with a surge of blood. Draco did enjoy topping on occasion, but what he really liked was to be positively drilled by the cock of a dominant top. Draco moaned at the thought and pressed a hand against the front of his trousers, wishing there was an aggressive alpha male here with him now. Instead, it seemed another wank was in order.


Ordinarily, Harry was very focused at work, but right now he found his thoughts straying to what Malfoy had casually asked before Harry had left earlier that day. He suspected Malfoy had just been trying to rile him, but he couldn't discount the possibility that he had been serious. The thought of Malfoy pleasuring himself with a sex toy had Harry in a state of partial arousal for most of the morning. He tried to distract himself by pulling the department file on Draco Malfoy and trying to follow the trail of Klingenpeel's involvement in ordering the hit on Malfoy.

It was early in the afternoon when Harry was called into the office of Lin Song, one of the three heads of the department. Of them all, she was Harry's favorite, although he still didn't trust her implicitly. She could order his execution as easily as Dunwoody or Heidenreich, after all.

Harry waited for permission before entering Song's office. She got straight to the point. "We've identified the killer you eliminated last night. Aaron you know of him?"

"Should I?"

"He's a by-blow of Avery Nott's," Song supplied. "As such, he is, or was, a half brother to Theodore Nott--a contemporary of yours in Hogwarts, I believe?"

"Nott was in Slytherin, and we seldom interacted," Harry stated.

"Bainbridge was several years behind you, and he was in Ravenclaw," Song informed him. "It's my understanding that Avery Nott had very little to do with his illegitimate son."

"Do we know why he was attempting to murder Draco Malfoy?"

"Not at the moment, but we will definitely be investigating the possible Death Eater angle," Song announced. She pushed a file across the desk to Harry. "In the meantime, here's the information we've gathered so far on Bainbridge."

Harry recognized the dismissal, and he thanked Song as he rose from his seat and left her office. He spent the remainder of his day poring over the dossier on Bainbridge and doing some further research on his own. When it was time for Harry to leave the Ministry, he found himself oddly reluctant to go home and face more of Malfoy's sniping and overt sexuality. Harry decided a visit to Neville Longbottom was in order.


Targeted 6

content: drama, content: ust, verse: targeted, rating: pg13, profession: auror(s)

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