HDFluff: Rusticating

Jun 29, 2008 22:05

Title: Rusticating
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion, implied sex
Word count: 505
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for the current prompt at hd_fluff, which was holiday in your hometown. Galena is not my hometown, but it's only an hour away from me, and it seemed like a place Harry and Draco would enjoy.
Summary: Harry and Draco visit Galena, IL on their holiday.

"You didn't tell me our holiday was going to be spent rusticating," Draco all but sneered as they made their way to The Stonewood cottage. It was part of The Inn at Irish Hollow in Galena, Illinois, or as Draco declared, the middle of nowhere.

"Don't be ridiculous," chided Harry. "Galena may be small in terms of population, but it's big on tourism, and the town is geared toward catering to tourists just like us. Besides," he added, voice dropping to a whisper, "rumor has it Galena is the gay capital of the Midwest in the States."

Draco was about to reply to that assertion when Harry swung open the door to their private cottage and gestured for him to enter. Draco paused inside to admire the decor. "This is...quite lovely," he conceded. Harry brushed past him to carry their bags to the bedroom, and Draco followed. His eyes automatically went to the king-sized, four-poster bed, and he looked up to catch Harry grinning at him in delight. "I suppose you'll be wanting to christen that?" he drawled sardonically.

"Definitely," agreed Harry, "but let's do some sight seeing first."

They took the Inn's shuttle into the heart of Galena's bustling business district and began meandering in and out of the lovely and quirky shops. They found a store that sold nothing but stuffed animals, and Harry laughed in delight when he discovered a toy ferret. He insisted on buying it, much to Draco's chagrin, but his boyfriend was mollified when Harry bought him a fierce toy dragon.

They had lunch at the DeSoto House Hotel, and then took a ride on the old-fashioned trolley car. Late in the afternoon, Harry insisted they take a tour of the Ulysses S Grant home, citing its historical appeal as the former home of one of America's early presidents.

Harry and Draco returned to the Inn early in the evening and took advantage of the hot stone massage therapy offered by the hotel. Afterward, christening of the bed was inevitable, and it was accomplished with a great deal of enthusiasm.

Lying in Harry's arms, Draco suddenly mumbled, "I'm hungry."

"I imagine you would be after such vigorous exercise," teased Harry.

"Prat," muttered Draco.

"Let's try that restaurant called Fried Green Tomatoes," suggested Harry, sitting up and rolling out of bed before heading for the shower.

"I'm not eating any nasty green tomatoes!" Draco declared, flouncing back on the bed.


In the end, Draco tried the fried green tomatoes that Harry had ordered as an appetizer, finding them surprisingly delicious. He ordered the Pollo Piccata, while Harry indulged his appetite for red meat by ordering the Bistecca Napoleon. It was late when they made it back to The Stonewood cottage, and Draco wanted nothing more than to crawl into the huge bed and sleep until noon.

Harry, however, had other plans. "Come on, babe," he said cheerfully. "It's time to christen the double whirlpool!"

content: fluff, comm: hd_fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship

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