Special Easter Challenge prompt #28

Mar 28, 2008 22:58

Title: Honey Bunny
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt: Easter Challenge #28 - Photo of a fluffy gray bunny
Word count: 300
Rating: PG
Warning: Mild mentions of sex
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling; this fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Draco wants a pet, and he isn't above using blackmail to get one.

Draco slid a picture of a fluffy gray bunny across the breakfast table to his boyfriend. "Look, Harry," he said with a smile. "Isn't he adorable? Let's get a bunny."

Harry shook his head and sighed. "Draco, we've had this discussion before--no pets in the house."

"No, you had the discussion," argued Draco. "I merely pretended to listen. At the Manor, we always had pets around, from peacocks to puffskeins, and I really want one now. Bunnies are quiet and easy to take care of," he added.

Draco looked so eager and hopeful that Harry hated to dash his dreams, but dash, he did. "I'm sorry, honey--no bunny."

Draco scowled and shoved his chair back. Rising to his feet, he leaned over the table and hissed, "No bunny, no honey," and stomped out of the kitchen.


Harry lasted for four days, which left Draco quite annoyed and mildly impressed. After all, Draco's father had taught him the charms that were necessary for a wizard to withstand a no-sex siege, and Harry hadn't had that advantage.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Harry returned from spending a couple hours away from home, approached Draco where he was seated on the sofa, reached into his pocket and withdrew a black bunny, then handed it to his boyfriend.

Draco squealed with glee and hugged the small bunny to himself, all but giggling as it nuzzled against his neck. "Oh, he's adorable!" Draco gushed. "Thank you, Harry!"

Harry had removed his jacket and dropped it on the floor where he stood, and he was now busily unbuttoning his shirt. Scowling at Draco, who was cooing over his new pet, Harry said testily, "I gave you your bunny, now give up the honey."

subject: drabble, content: fluff, rating: pg, challenge: slyth easter

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