Special Valentine's Challenge prompt #21

Feb 21, 2008 23:20

Title: This Dance
Author: enchanted_jae
Word count: 330
Rating: PG
Prompt: Valentine's Challenge #21 - the song Could I Have This Dance?
Warning(s): Song!fic, fluff
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This is a work of fiction, and no profit is being made.
Author's note: I've always loved this song, and I could hear Anne Murray singing it as I wrote this drabble.
Summary: Harry and Draco enjoy some alone time on their anniversary.

Their friends and family had all thought Harry and Draco should host a lavish party in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary, but they chose to celebrate it alone by renting a condo on the Italian coast for a week. On the first night of their stay, they enjoyed a simple dinner that they prepared together. There would be plenty of time later in the week for dining out and sight seeing.

After the meal was finished and the table cleared, Harry surprised his husband by waving his wand to create extra space in the living area of the condo and then flicking his wand to cue up some soft music. "Care to dance?" he invited.

Draco grinned happily and stepped into Harry's arms, sighing in bliss when he was pressed against his husband's body while they danced to the music.

I'll always remember the song they were playing
The first time we danced, and I knew
As we swayed to the music and held to each other
I fell in love with you

"Do you remember the first music we danced to?" asked Harry, shuffling his feet before turning Draco in a slow circle.

"It was a waltz," Draco replied, swaying in time to the music.

"Not unlike this," Harry murmured, "although there were no lyrics." Without warning, he began singing along with the song as they danced:

"Could I have this dance for the rest of my life
Would you be my partner every night
When we're together it feels so right
Could I have this dance for the rest of my life"

Draco drew back far enough to meet the tender regard in Harry's gaze, and he replied, "It will be my pleasure to dance with you, in and out of bed, for the rest of our lives. I love you."

Harry urged Draco's head to his shoulder once more and whispered, "I love you, too. You're all I'll ever need."

content: fluff, content: song fic, rating: pg, challenge: slyth valentines

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