Title: On the Patio (sequel to 'In a Heartbeat')
enchanted_jaePairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Language
Word count: 160
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: This is a wee sequel to my fic
In a Heartbeat. I couldn't leave the notes well enough alone.
Summary: Harry is curious about something...
Draco had broken the handle off of Harry's mug to free the wedding ring he'd purchased, and he had then slipped a gold chain through it and fastened it around Harry's neck.
Harry was holding the ring up and admiring it, thrilled at the commitment it represented. He chuckled suddenly as he thought of the notes Draco had left for him. "I must be boringly predictable for you to have written the notes you did," he teased.
"Predictable, perhaps, but never boring," Draco assured him with a laugh.
A sudden thought occurred to Harry and he turned his attention to his fiance. "Just out of curiosity...were there any other notes?"
"Only one," Draco grinned. "I left it in the dining room in case you didn't recall we had our first dinner here."
"And what did it say?" asked Harry.
Draco smirked and replied, "It said, For fuck's sake, Potter! I'm on the patio!"