AWDT: Maybe it was the newness of it all...

May 03, 2007 19:16

Title: Insecurities
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Flangst
Word count: 300
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for the shiny new community awdt, with the prompt of Maybe it was the newness of it all.
Summary: Draco has been expecting this, so it comes as no surprise...or does it?

Perhaps it was due to his own insecurities, or maybe it was the newness of it all, but whatever the reason, Draco was still unsure enough of his recent relationship with Harry that he continued looking for signs that, for Harry at least, this was only a temporary fling. For instance, any time that his boyfriend went to visit the Weasleys, Draco suspected Harry was seeing Fred or George on the sly. Each time Harry left him instead of spending the night at his flat, Draco lay awake the rest of the night, unable to sleep due to anxiety.

So it was that when Harry invited him over for dinner on a Friday evening and seemed somewhat anxious himself that Draco became convinced he was about to get the brush off. Both of them were pushing their food around on their plates, trying to make small talk, yet unable to meet one another's eyes. Draco's heart had been in his throat all evening, and when Harry finally pushed his chair back and stated, "Draco, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," his heart plummeted to the vicinity of his roiling stomach.

Steeling himself against the inevitable pain, Draco raised his eyes to Harry's and and said simply, "Go on."

"I'm not quite sure how to go about this..." Harry began, fidgeting nervously with his serviette.

"Just say it," Draco responded dully.

Harry nodded, took a deep breath, and blurted, "Draco, will you move in with me?" An instant later, Harry found himself toppled from his chair and lying on the dining room floor with his arms full of a delightfully wriggling blond who was peppering his face with happy kisses. Laughing breathlessly, Harry asked, "I take it that's a 'yes'?"

Cross-posted to awdt

comm: awdt, rating: pg, content: flangst, content: established relationship

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