Banner by the delightful capitu
Title: Mr Grinch
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, ocs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 705
Summary: Holiday party at Draco's shop
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles No. 30
♦ dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2024 No. 30 - Plum pudding
♦ newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 30 - Bah humbug
♦ adventdrabbles Prompt No. 30 - Holiday decorated books
"Are you quite certain you don't mind, Narcissa?" Harry asked. "Frances won't return until after New Year's day, but I can take the children to Hogsmeade if necessary."
"I don't mind watching them at all, Harry," Narcissa replied as she stepped from the Floo. "Carolyn can help keep an eye on the babies. She positively dotes on them."
That was true. Harry believed Carolyn would miss the twins more than anyone else in the family when she went back to Hogwarts.
"I shouldn't be gone too long," he said. "Now that Joshua and Ginny are home from the States, we're going to have our usual little holiday celebration at Draco's shop."
"Do you have some biscuits to take?" she asked.
"I planned to take a flaming plum pudding," Harry replied.
Narcissa blinked at him. She cocked a brow. "Just be sure not to get any Floo powder on it in transit. It may explode."
Harry laughed, appreciating her joke. "I believe Draco was going to procure some nibbles from the Three Broomsticks and sweets from Madam Puddifoot. I only need to show up with our gifts for Josh and Astoria." As he spoke, Harry directed Narcissa to the family room, where the children were. Carolyn was reading to Jasmin, Ben was wiggling a beribboned toy for Cassi and Nicholas to chase, and the babies were snoozing in their carry cots.
"You lot behave for your Grammeer," Harry told them. "If you're naughty, I won't bring any biscuits home for you."
Jasmin responded in true Malfoy fashion. "Bah humbug."
It was a jovial group who gathered together in Draco's shop. The nibbled on pasties from Rosmerta and iced biscuits from Madam. Draco was sipping at his beloved toffee nut latte, Astoria and Harry had spiced hot chocolate, and Josh was drinking eggnog.
Joshua brought all of them fantastic gifts from the States. Draco was poring over the stack of classic tomes that Ginny found in a used book shop, while Astoria was admiring the plethora of jams that were made of a variety of berries. Harry received a bobble hat from a local American football team. He'd been wearing it but had to take it off when he got too hot.
Astoria and Joshua were pleased with the gifts that Harry and Draco had given them, as well. Josh was currently entertaining them with tales of their trip to visit his family.
When the Floo activated, Harry wasn't surprised to see Chesney emerge. "Bon soir, everyone," he greeted. "I wanted to drop by and say hello and goodbye. Ashton and I will be traveling to Paris tonight."
He pulled a wrapped gift from his pocket and gave it to Draco. "For you, cousin. Harry, you get nothing, since you amused yourself by sending me that horrible bottle of cologne."
Harry's jaw dropped. "I didn't send that!" He looked at Draco, seeing that his husband was trying very hard to keep a straight face. "You ponker," hissed Harry. "Did you put my name on that package?"
Draco laughed. "Chesney wouldn't have opened it, if he knew it was from me."
"Cousin Draco!" Chesney cried. "How terribly conniving of you." He snatched the half-opened gift from Draco's hand. "Give this to your 'usband, you undeserving bête."
Draco sputtered in protest while Harry ripped the remainder of the wrapping away and pried open the box. It contained a hideous tie, featuring the Grinch character. Harry chuckled in delight. He glanced up at Draco and showed him the tie. "Maybe you should have this. After all, it was meant for you."
Draco's lip curled. "No, thank you. You may keep it."
Harry turned to grin at Chesney. "Thank you, Chesney. I shall wear this with pride."
Chesney clapped him on the back. "Just as I planned, Cousin Harry. I knew Draco would give it to you, rather than wear it himself. Now, I must be off. Au'voir!"
Once Chesney disappeared in a green flash, Astoria pulled Harry's tie from its box and giggled. "This is ridiculous."
"I plan to wear it to the Goyles' tomorrow night," said Harry.
"You are not," Draco said, his brow furrowing.
Harry smirked at him. "If you want to wear it, just say so, Grinch."
A Brave New Year