Title: Enhanced Sense
Fandom: Cal Leandros
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s)/Pairing: Cal, Niko
Rating: PG13
Written for:
anythingdrabble Challenge No. 366 - smell
Warnings: First person pov (Cal's), minor suggestion
Word count: 100
Summary: Cal lives to give his brother shit.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rob Thurman, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
The sun was just coming up when I got home from work. Two minutes later my brother strolled into our converted garage apartment. His face was impassive as ever, but I knew immediately what he'd been doing, and who. Nothing got past my enhanced sense of smell.
"Did Promise throw you out before you could take a shower?"
"Her entire block has no running water," Nik said as he walked by me.
I was expecting a smack upside the head, but I wasn't quick enough to avoid it.
Niko headed for the bathroom as I rubbed my head and smirked.