Challenge #47: Almost Married

Apr 08, 2007 04:23

Title: Almost Married
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Frotting, UST
Word count: 304
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for Challenge #47 at slythindor100, in which we could use one of three quotes. I chose "Let's go somewhere we can be alone. Ah, there doesn't seem to be anyone on this couch." - Groucho Marx in 'Go West'.
Summary: Draco has had a bit too much to drink, and he ends up in a compromising position.

Draco had known that getting slightly inebriated at the post-graduation party for his year was probably not a good idea. This was confirmed by the fact that he was currently standing in an alcove, being snogged by none other than Harry Potter. Sure, their animosity had ended when the actual war began, but when they had all returned to Hogwarts for their Seventh Year, he and Potter had still been far from friends. He might have been caught staring at the other boy with a look of longing on occasion, and it was possible that he'd noticed Potter sending similar looks his way, but Draco had never dared imagine it would lead to anything.

Now, however, the evidence of Potter's attraction to him was pressed against his hip, and Draco's own arousal was straining at the confines of his trousers. He was dying for release, and he needed friction or something...anything. Fortunately, Potter seemed to read his mind.

"Let's go somewhere we can be alone," rumbled the Gryffindor, taking Draco's hand and leading him from the alcove. "Ah, there doesn't seem to be anyone on this couch," he declared, tugging Draco down with him. They resumed snogging, ignoring the shocked whispers of those around them. Draco was so caught up in the moment that he didn't protest when Potter began pressing him back so that he was reclining with the other boy on top of him. Instead, Draco took advantage of the position to thrust his hips up and frot against Potter's groin, groaning at the pleasurable sensation.

Draco was nearing climax when the mood was ruined by a strong dose of Weasley.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" yelled the Weasel from close range. "If you and Malfoy get any closer, you'll legally be married!"

Cross-posted to slythindor100

content: drunk fic, content: ust, rating: pg13, comm: slythindor100, content: hogwarts era

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