AWDT: Scar

Apr 07, 2007 02:03

Title: The Catbird Seat (Animal arc, part 19)
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Sexual content
Word count: 890
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for this week's AWDT, in which the prompt was to end the story using the word scar. ( Read more... )

comm: awdt, rating: pg13, content: flangst, verse: animal arc

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Comments 45

lackofmendacity April 7 2007, 07:20:03 UTC
Ah, thank you for your explanation :) I was confused earlier, attempting to look around for an actual catbird chair *facepalm*

Anyway, it's about time they had that discussion, so *thumbs up to the boys* Heheh, loved Draco's evil side contemplating whether to mock Harry's politeness with the pie, but cute of him to end up sharing. Draco really is a sweetie at heart :D

Cute fic, and shall be interesting to see the next part ♥


enchanted_jae April 7 2007, 07:26:03 UTC
Oh, maybe I should have defined 'catbird seat' at the beginning. Sorry.

Yes, this talk was long overdue, but at least they've cleared the air and established some boundaries. I actually didn't know whom to sympathize with more: Draco, who was frustrated at how out of his control his life was, or Harry, who desperately wants Draco back in his life. Maybe this arrangement will benefit them both.


lackofmendacity April 7 2007, 07:38:14 UTC
That's okay, and the confusion was actually pretty funny for me :D

I certainly hope things suit both their needs a bit better now, but you certainly conveyed both boy's current frames of mind very well during their discussion, I found. Harry's willingness to compromise a bit in order to win Draco back was especially sweet :)


quicksilvereyes April 7 2007, 08:25:58 UTC
And the plot thickens... I think this might be one of the the most complex H/D relationships you've ever set up and I really like it.

If It wasn't for that Wikipedia citation, I'd say you totally made up that catbird seat, lol! But if Wikipedia sys it's true, then it must me so. *nods*

Also, Stuart?!


enchanted_jae April 7 2007, 16:51:16 UTC
Really? *preens*

I heard the term 'catbird seat' when I was in college and had to read the short story "The Catbird Seat" by Thurber. It was one of those rare instances where I actually enjoyed something I'd been assigned to read.

Stuart is the retired Auror who helps with doing odd jobs around the estate.


quicksilvereyes April 7 2007, 19:45:13 UTC
Stuart is the retired Auror who helps with doing odd jobs around the estate.

Yeah, hence my outburst. Really, Draco, Stuart belongs with Maeve. Lol.


mordyn4 April 7 2007, 10:54:09 UTC
"My life is almost completely out of my control right now, and I don't like it," he stated. "I need to establish some control, especially over something as intimate as sex."

Oh thank you thank you thank you. S'just one my things. Never mind me. :P

I like Harry rubbing his scar.

Love this arc!!!


enchanted_jae April 7 2007, 16:53:19 UTC
...are you telling me you're a dominatrix? *dies laughing* Sorry, I couldn't resist. Of course, for all I know, you could be one, and you would have the last laugh. Ha ha!

You can thank the prompt for the scar-rubbing bit. It wouldn't have made it in the story, otherwise. *shrugs*

Thank you!


luci0logy April 7 2007, 11:16:29 UTC
Good move Harry. Now is not the time to be dominant, even if Draco enjoys it. Patience is definitely the key to Draco's heart, I think. Thanks for including the note at the end re the seat. :)


enchanted_jae April 7 2007, 16:55:21 UTC
It's not in Harry's nature to be patient, but I have a feeling he's grown up a lot, especially in the months he was worrying about where Draco was.

You're welcome! I am enough of a nerd that I have used the term on occasion since reading the short story "The Catbird Seat" by James Thurber.


sloane_hd April 7 2007, 11:31:16 UTC
Thank you Wikipedia! I heard that phrase before and I didn't know what it was then either.

I love this arc way too much. I'm very curious as to what will happen next. I really like them sharing the pie.


enchanted_jae April 7 2007, 16:57:22 UTC
Wikipedia comes in handy once more, yeah?

I'm enjoying this arc, too. Draco has grown up, hasn't he? Otherwise, he wouldn't have shared!


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