Title: Deal Another Round
Fandom: Cal Leandros
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s)/Pairing: Robin, Cal
Rating: PG13
Written for:
anythingdrabble Challenge No. 359 - hit
ficlet_zone Prompt 79 - Lady Gaga songs. I chose Poker Face
Warnings: First person pov (Robin Goodfellow's), language
Word count: 100
Summary: Cal gets schooled at poker.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rob Thurman, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
"It's your turn, Caliban."
"Give me a minute, asshole."
I held my tongue while he studied his cards.
"Hit me," he said at last.
I dealt him a card and watched his scowl deepen. Cal had no poker face. I drew another card and raised.
"Fuck," he growled. "I fold."
I smirked, tossed down my cards and raked up my winnings.
"You didn't even have a great hand, Goodfellow," Cal complained. "I hate this game."
"I can teach you chess."
He twitched. If poker taxed his limited patience and mental acumen, chess would kill him.
Cal sighed. "Deal another round."